⚖ Proud Boys member Alan Swinney arrested on 12 charges

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Maybe she read their website.

Here is their website

Here is their list.
Proud Boys ‘ values center on the following tenets:
Minimal Government
Maximum Freedom
Anti-Political Correctness
Anti-Drug War
Closed Borders
Anti-Racial Guilt
Pro-Free Speech (1st Amendment)
Pro-Gun Rights (2nd Amendment)
Glorifying the Entrepreneur
Venerating the Housewife
Reinstating a Spirit of Western Chauvinism
I would defend these.

Well, maybe not the border and drugs ones.
Which ones seem heinous to you?
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I would defend these too, wouldn’t you:

#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.
whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy
I agree.
build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.
Absolutely. The odd thing about this one is that the government jurisdictions that have inflicted violence on black communities have been run by progressive Democrats for decades.
By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.
Nothing offensive here.

Then there is the violent neo-Marxist side which is worthy of condemnation.
I would defend these too, wouldn’t you:
By the way, do you defend that list from Proud Boys?
I thought marriage was supposed to be between one man and one woman, or at least limited to between humans. Why would a house need a wife? And why would you venerate a housewife?

Sorry, it was too hard to resist
Are they like the same very fine people Joe Biden said still like to raise the confederate flag?
This is truly sickening when you have people continue to defend and even praise the Proud Boys, and simultaneously condemning and bashing Biden every chance they get
How many people’s killings do the Proud Boys facilitate? With Biden it’s about a million per year through abortion. Biden is a lot more dangerous to life than that group is.
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Are they like the same very fine people Joe Biden said still like to raise the confederate flag?
I’m not familiar enough with whatever Biden said to provide a response to this.
ahh the good ol abortion reach around argument… again.
Why do you disdain awareness of the killing of a million children per year? If it was 10 illegal immigrants shot dead at the border, you would be outraged. The Catholic Church condemns abortion as an inherent evil. What the Church says means something to me and many others.
How many people’s killings do the Proud Boys facilitate?
I think their strategy is primarily intimidation and physical violence. Some of the members have been convicted of gang assault.
Why do you disdain awareness of the killing of a million children per year?
It is brought up so frequently in these forums in issues that are otherwise unrelated that it comes across as an attempted distraction. There have been a number of discussions that have nothing to do with abortion that were derailed by interjections of comments about it. I think that some may be desensitized to it from its frequent injection into a discussion.
as much slack as CAF cuts ultra-right wing hate groups!
Please show an example of where CAF cuts ultra-right wing hate groups slack.
We’ve got a guy opining about paying this jerks bail as one specific example.
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I think their strategy is primarily intimidation and physical violence.
How many have they killed?
It is brought up so frequently in these forums in issues that are otherwise unrelated that it comes across as an attempted distraction. There have been a number of discussions that have nothing to do with abortion that were derailed by interjections of comments about it. I think that some may be desensitized to it from its frequent injection into a discussion.
If one is not horrified by abortion, it probably seems like a minor issue or none at all. If one does not follow the teachings of the Church, it’s possibly a non-issue. But no matter what, to support those who support abortion is to support abortion, and particularly if the candidate is as resolutely pro-abortion as Biden is.

He has said he will prosecute the Little Sisters of the Poor again as well as other charitable organizations that do not promote abortion. He has said he will get rid of the Hyde Amendment so we will all be paying for abortions. He has said he will reverse the Mexico City Policy so the U.S. can finance abortion worldwide. He won’t admit (yet) that he plans to appoint pro-abortion justices to the Supreme Court, but he will just as Obama did.

Voting for abortion promoters tells one who one is.
And what does it mean to promote “western spirit of chauvinism”?
So abortion and the Little Sisters of the Poor have now shown up. . .
So abortion and the Little Sisters of the Poor have now shown up. . .
You do not disclose any religion, so I’m guessing you are not Catholic. The Little Sisters are revered by most Catholics and forcing them to give up their care of the dying is considered immoral by Catholics who know about their ministry and about the Democrat HHS Mandate.
I guess you can flag me. Other liberals flag me about once/week, and oftentimes no matter what I say. But I refuse to agree with Democrats on here raising one issue (often false like this one) to make it seem Trump supports all kinds of perfidious things, while ignoring the biggest issue in this election according to the U.S. Bishops.
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