đź’° New York Times: Trump paid no income taxes in 10 out of 15 years beginning in 2000

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We don’t know that because that (potentially incriminating) information isn’t public. He’s still a sitting President who can’t be indicted. Good news for his supporters, I guess.
That’s yet another incentive for him to win the presidency. If he wins again, he can ride out the next four years before they could take him to court. By that time he would be 78. Add to that how slow court cases go and he could just ride this thing out for the rest of his life.
Is there any suggestion that Trump did not pay taxes which are lawfully due?
Yes, there is. There is a suggestion that he paid family members, specifically Invanka, as a consultant on deals that she was working on as an employee, and then deducting that as a business expense. Apparently it’s illegal to do that.
There were also suggestions of unreported taxable gifts and debt forgiveness income.
While I’m somewhat bothered by paying no taxes or only $750, I’m much more bothered by his boasting over and over about what a successful business man he is. So many people thinking that’s just what America needed, a business man that knows his stuff! And now, he seems to be losing money all over the place and not near the savvy entrepreneur he made himself out to be. To owe little to no taxes for a year or two is often common in business but not for ten years. To me, that’s a failed businessman, a bad businessman.

And yet, I’m not a bit surprised at one single thing reported.
His vaunted business acumen has been exposed as a myth and a fraud, for everyone to see. The emperor has no clothes.
It seems as though the main complaint is that Trump pays less despite being worth more. I think this speaks more to the liberal vs conservative mindset: liberals tend to be upset at the social inequality, wheras conservatives admire a person for being able to be so fiscally responsible.
No, I think it’s probably that he is using illegal dodges to not pay his fair share, combined with the fact that he’s totally inept as a business person and routinely loses money, real money.
I’ve heard a lot on here from Trump supporters about what an amazing businessman he is…and the financial / construction miracles he’s pulled off during his career…that is their belief…no news story will shake that belief.
Why do you think it’s such a non-issue? Hard to imagine you would react that way if it were Biden. He’s paid less income tax than me, and he’s much, much richer!
Yep, they would have screamed for Biden’s crucifixion if the tables were turned. Conservatives used to have a fairly static set of values. Under Trump, many of those values are compromised on the fly out of a strange absolute loyalty, not to the party or conservatism, to the man himself… its really bizarre.
look forward to someday gaining the financial acumen to lower my taxes to that extent.
Good luck with your audits if you listen to Trump. Or to Fox News et al, for that matter.
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Not to mention charges of racketeering leveled against him, settled out of court.
look forward to someday gaining the financial acumen to lower my taxes to that extent.
Good luck with your audits if you listen to Trump. Or to Fox News et al, for that matter.
The way i see it, the real problem here is that the US Federal Income Tax Code is a complex monstrosity where people need “financial acumen” or an army of tax attorneys just to figure out what it is you actually owe.
Question is whether Trump supporters or independents in swing states care.
I have a question. Who here has paid every penny of taxes they owe their entire life ? For example taxes on online purchases in the past. ( those who live in States who are required to do so)

I’ve used the AARP free tax service at my local library the past few years and every time we got to my state taxes the ARRP volunteer failed to ask me if I bought anything online. Each time, when I mentioned it they had a puzzled look lol. One said he had been doing this for years and I am the first one to mention it. ( in Kentucky it is called the use tax)

I buy very little online but in each case I told them that I was going to pay the tax. I don’t want to be audited for 15 or 20 bucks lol
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No, I think it’s probably that he is using illegal dodges to not pay his fair share, combined with the fact that he’s totally inept as a business person and routinely loses money, real money.
I’ll be waiting for your proof.
This might have been intentionally leaked because no wrongdoing was found.
I’ll be waiting for your proof.
From the Times article:

Rather, there appears to be a closer-to-home explanation for at least some of the fees: Mr. Trump reduced his taxable income by treating a family member as a consultant, and then deducting the fee as a cost of doing business.

The “consultants” are not identified in the tax records. But evidence of this arrangement was gleaned by comparing the confidential tax records to the financial disclosures Ivanka Trump filed when she joined the White House staff in 2017. Ms. Trump reported receiving payments from a consulting company she co-owned, totaling $747,622, that exactly matched consulting fees claimed as tax deductions by the Trump Organization for hotel projects in Vancouver and Hawaii.

Ms. Trump had been an executive officer of the Trump companies that received profits from and paid the consulting fees for both projects — meaning she appears to have been treated as a consultant on the same hotel deals that she helped manage as part of her job at her father’s business.

When asked about the arrangement, the Trump Organization lawyer, Mr. Garten, did not comment.

Employers can deduct consulting fees as a business expense and also avoid the withholding taxes that apply to wages. To claim the deduction, the consulting arrangement must be an “ordinary and necessary” part of running the business, with fees that are reasonable and market-based, according to the I.R.S. The recipient of the fees is still required to pay income tax.

The I.R.S. has pursued civil penalties against some business owners who devised schemes to avoid taxes by paying exorbitant fees to related parties who were not in fact independent contractors. A 2011 tax court case centered on the I.R.S.’s denial of almost $3 million in deductions for consulting fees the partners in an Illinois accounting firm paid themselves via corporations they created. The court concluded that the partners had structured the fees to “distribute profits, not to compensate for services.”
always has. The only important color in the US is the color of money
If he didn’t pay taxes that would just be one more reason to vote for him.
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