The Twilight Zone (60s version)
Star Trek TOS
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Star Trek TOS
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
That’s interesting. How, may I ask?Dark Shadows –that show literally saved me from school bullies and helped me to discover my own talents.
During my 5th grade year, I became the target for almost everyone in my class. My teacher (public school) was utterly ineffective in controlling the class and allowed a “feeding frenzy”–every day, constantly, my classmates would make fun of my clothing (ugly dresses–I still have little fashion sense), my parents (especially my dad, who wore blue jeans everyday because he was a factory worker, not an office worker), my brother (who had to wear orthopedic shoes), my interests (everything! I was a straight-A student who loved every subject and devoured books about everything from anthropology to zoology!)–EVERYTHING!That’s interesting. How, may I ask?
–Post of the year. 1000 likes.Going to school was terrifying for me, and finally, at the end of the school year, I snapped and when one of the bullies was making fun of my shoes, I grabbed her and threw her against the war slide, and then walked into the school building (which was against the rules, by the way) and sat down at my desk and watched the ambulance pull up and take her away. My teacher and her teacher walked up to me and asked, “How could you do this?” And I looked at them and said, “All year, you teachers have allowed these students to make fun of me and my brother and you haven’t said one word or tried to stop them. This is YOUR fault!”
They looked at me, left the room…and I never heard anything about what I had done. I wasn’t even sent to the principal.
The teachers knew I was right.
After that day, nobody messed with me anymore.