Feanor2, your post is not really sympathetic to the posters here.
Just to precise, people who are in the parishes come from all backgrounds of the society.
A parish faithfull are not always the best representatives of what Catholicism is in essence, or should be when a person live it.
People who are only mass-observant, either not regular, or at a lesser degree regular, but whose practice stop there are left on self conscience on many topics. Many topics of christian faith are simply not talk on homilies nor are part of the continuous formation offered to faithfull through the parish or support by it.
One of the exemple among others is teaching on birth control.
The Catholics will let to inform themselves and to form their conscience. Their family environment may help them.
Tracey Roland explain it well. Catholics who tend to follow more this teaching are part of communities, charismatic, traditionalist or any others simply because it’s a choice to be a part of them and their members will benefit to more formation.
CAF give some catholics answers on hard topics to everyone who ask for them. (sometimes the quality of them vary depend on the posters).
People who are regular members of the community want to be faithfull to the Magisterium, have informed themselves, and the forum and the apology work of CA have help them to grow as catholics.
Anonymity also decomplex people: they will debate of topics that people inside a parish will never do.