Are you referring to God as “wailing”, God allowed the evil by His permissive will and you have been informed as to why, again are you saying God willed evil because He could have prevented it?
Hold it, please. I have
NOT been informed as to why. Only God could give me the information as to “why” he permitted this act, and he is silent. The word “wailing” refers to a
hypothetical trial with God as the accused and you as the defense attorney.
God does not will any evil because He allows it. Did God will the murder of those people, if you say yes, then you make God a liar because the Fifth commandment of God is “Thou shalt not kill” God does not contradict Himself.
I say something else. I say, it does not matter. The difference between allowing something passively and to actually performing the act is insignificant. If you would see that a child is playing next to a crevasse and can foresee that he will eventually lose his balance and fall to his death and you fail to take the necessary precautions, then this is not significantly different from actively pushing him into the abyss.
Maybe you will see this as a consequentialist argument, and discard is as such, but to disregard the consequences of an action is major irrationality - in my eyes of course. The consequences cannot be swept under the rug (so to speak).
There are very few possible arguments concerning the events in Orlando (and all similar events).
- The “free will” of the attacker is “sacrosanct”. To interfere with it would be an greater evil, than allowing it. (This is the “free will defense”)
- The “reward” for the victims overcompensates for the “evil” that happened. (This is the “greater good defense”)
- There are a few more attempts, but I will not enumerate them. They are too nauseating to tell.
Well I have to content myself with the thought “One can not give what he doesn’t have” So we agree to disagree.
I am always willing to agree to disagree.
By the way, I started to realize how futile it is to attempt to have a rational conversation about “free will”, before it is actually defined. Some people say that “free will” only refers to the mental decision of someone, whether the decision can be carried out or not. Other see that the “will to do something” cannot be separated from the “ability to act on that will” (correctly, of course.)
To use a pretty gruesome example: God allows the “will” of the rapist to overcome (or conquer) the will of the girl to be raped. Some people argue that her “free will” is not affected at all, she is just unable to act on her will. Needless to say, that kind of argument is not acceptable. What is the point of a “will” if it cannot be carried out? Some people may even say that she is always “free” to lay back and enjoy the act, or she is “free” to accept it and offer it up to God. I actually heard both of these arguments.