Not so fast. When one needs to learn a
technical vocabulary, the words are not identical to the everyday vernacular - with
diametrically different meanings. So it is impossible to find out what you mean. You say that “evil” is the lack of “good”. (In normal usage “evil” is causing
intentional harm.) And then you say that expressing mutual love (in a physical fashion) without the intent to procreate is also “evil”. Sorry, you make no sense.
Aha. So please enumerate the “sins” committed by the children under the age of reason, which justifies their sufferings. After all God is supposed to be just, and justice does not allow non-deserved sufferings. Be specific. I wonder, is there a specific teaching about the fate of those children who are baptized, and die before the age of reason? The church already declined to talk about the unbaptized fetuses. The conquistadores (very devout Catholics) took away the newborns from the local mothers, baptized them and immediately smashed their heads to a nearby stone. They believed that this act will assure that those children will go directly to heaven (don’t pass Go, do not collect 200 dollars). Did the church ever speak up loudly and publicly against this practice?
That is simply insane. If suffering would be “desirable” in and of itself, then every act to lower or preventing suffering would be undesirable.
Does he now? Last time I heard, the Sun shines on the wicked and the righteous alike. Bad things happen indiscriminately to everyone. And everything that happens is either directly willed or indirectly allowed by God… the events in Orlando included. So how can you NOT support something that God did not find objectionable
enough to prevent. Are you
criticizing God?
That “dream-world” is heaven without the “beatific vision” - whatever it might be. And you say that you don’t want it.
I don’t believe you. I think that you are just another hypocrite. If you go to the dentist or a doctor when you are in pain, then your words about the desirability of suffering are just hollow utterings. Your acts to avoid pain and suffering speak louder than your words welcoming and “praising” them. But if you really would want more suffering to help you to get detached from the world, I have a few suggestions how to achieve that.
Not a good summary. You don’t get it at all. There is no need for “bad” options. “Good” and “neutral” options are enough. Of course in heaven (with or without beatific vision) there are no “bad” options. It is the assumption that in heaven we just sit with our virtual saliva dripping from our imaginary cheeks. After all, if God is outside of time, and to be in heaven is to be with God, it follows logically there is no “time” in heaven.
There is no significant difference between active and permissive will. You either condone an act, or you don’t. If you allow an act to take place then you no not object to it
strongly enough. You let it happen because you don’t care about it. Your final conclusion of #4) is also illogical (not just irrational). The conclusion is that IF there is a God, he does not care enough what happens to us.
Your usage of “evil” is nonsensical. There is no greater evil than allowing unnecessary or gratuitous suffering, especially for those who did nothing to deserve that suffering.
You keep forgetting the multiple good options and the neutral options. When I love my kid, I do not need the “option” to take an ax and bury it in his head. After all, I would not choose that “option” anyway. And for you to love your loved ones, you don’t need the option that your neighbor would be free to torture his kid. No instance of love is contingent upon the freedom of others. Is that not blindingly obvious?
For a sovereign, self-sufficient creator, who lacks nothing, there is no need to create anything. From the peak all roads lead downhill. And, no, don’t say that God wanted to share his love with us. It would either mean that God was not self-sufficient, or irrational.