Unbridled free will, in my understanding is when a person does anything he desires to do, right or wrong. Real freedom is to act according to one’s nature, and design. eg. A bird’s nature is to fly by flapping it’s wings, not it’s feet, although perhaps it might flap it’s feet, but if it does it will not fly. When it flaps it’s wings it is free to fly because it follows it’s natural design (purpose) So too, a human is truly free, when he follows his nature (which is a rational one) But even his power of reason must follow the laws that govern it, reason must be right, in accordance with the truth, for the truth is the natural object of reason and intelligence (purpose) also the object of appetite for the will is for what is good. Unjustified killing is an intrinsic evil (the complete absence of the good, nothing redeemable from the act To commit the act is irrational, it is not in accord with right reason, or the good, and ultimately not in accord with man’s nature. In this sense the will is not free. There are moral laws that govern reason that dictate what actions should be taken in order to accomplish or achieve the right thing, or the good’, when in line with these laws, the mind and the will are truly free ( to function as they were designed to function)
Also the INTENT OF ACTION MUST BE CONSIDERED. A person may intend to murder, but not be able to accomplish the act, again he is willing an intrinsic evil, and contradicting his own nature, a rational one. Hatred (an intense feeling of revultion based on ignorance )governs the will of a murderer. By killing some see it as “good” which is not consistent with right reason. That is why we need moral laws based on truth to govern our actions.
I make reference to the words of Jesus : If a man looks at a woman with lust, he has already committed adultry (in his mind-intent)