As somebody said above: if you call Hope House and tell them about the gas problem, I wouldn’t be surprised if somebody comes and picks you up and drives you. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP. First, ask God for help. Tell Him “I can’t do this. Please help me.” He will give you the courage to ask other people for help.
Believe it or not, everything you are going through is perfectly common. One of the things you’ll find in a group situation is that those other abused spouses will know EXACTLY what you’re talking about. Oh, the details vary somewhat, but the truth is that these abusive relationships tend to follow the same predictable patterns. I know you feel all alone, but you are NOT.
I will say this again: there are a LOT of people in this world who would jump for joy at the opportunity to help you. Driving you to the group meeting, babysitting your kid while you work, even more than that. One way to trust in God is to admit that you need help and to let Him work through the people around you.
As for your ex calling you - you have really scared him. He was addicted to abusing you and when you left, it threw him for a loop. Trust me: what he is doing is absolutely normal and predictable. I can also promise you that if you go back to him, you will be just as bad off as before, only feeling even weaker.
I know you love him, but you also love your daughter. You may think that this is hard on her, but it’s not as hard as being raised in a violent abusive home. For her sake, you must not go back to him.
It may be that he will change. We hope so. But, the best you can really hope for is that he’ll sober up enough to be able to pay child support and be able to see your daughter for visitation safely. It may even be that years from now you could get back together. But, if you go back to him now, he won’t have any incentive to change.
I repeat my promise: if you don’t go back to him, you will be happier a year from now than you were a year ago.