Go to your mother… this is accepting help, which you need to do.
Speak to a counselor at your college about dropping the class. All you have to say is, “Due to some problems in my marriage, and for my daughter’s safety, we have to move to my mother’s house so I can’t attend classes right now.” You don’t have to give a lot of details. The counselor should be utterly sympathetic and s/he’ll know exactly what the rules are regarding the federal grant. The very worst that will happen is that maybe there’s some rule about having to pay back the grant. Don’t let that deter you. Ask God to help you.
Your husband has succeeded in making you feel bad about yourself - so you feel that you don’t deserve God’s mercy. The Evil One has been using your husband to keep you from approaching God and accepting the help so freely offered by the Body of Christ, His Church.
The more you feel like you have no right to ask for God’s mercy in the form of material help from His Church, the more this proves that you NEED IT. It’s like someone saying, “Oh, I could never go to a hospital. Hospitals are all about health, and I’m very sick. A sick person like me can’t expect a health institution to accept me.” If you feel like a sinner, remember that Church is for sinners just as hospitals are for sick people. We are ALL sinners. NONE OF US DESERVE GOD’S MERCY. That’s why Jesus died on the cross for us.
Think of Jesus dying on the Cross. Think of all the saints and martyrs who have suffered in order to help others and to bring the Good News to those who need it. If it’s possible to be frustrated in Heaven, you can be sure they’re going, “Oh, come ON! That’s what we died for! Go talk to a priest!”
Go to your mother. Let her help you. Her heart is breaking for you and she will be HAPPY to help you. Likewise, the Saints in Heaven and in the Church here on Earth are overjoyed to help you. Now, you can’t exactly expect them to hand you an envelope full of cash… unfortunately, there are scammers in the world who will cynically abuse charity. The way to approach the priest is to just tell him what’s in your heart. His first duty will to be to comfort you spiritually - probably by offering you reconciliation and absolution via confession. Unless he’s totally clueless, he should also recognize that you may need some material help. Pray about this. That particular parish may or may not give you diapers or a bag of groceries, but yo ucan be sure that by returning to Mass and the sacraments, while praying for God to help you, you will be on the receiving end of whatever various parishioners, programs, and agencies can offer.
I’m glad you can post here and get encouragement. God is already helping you. He won’t let you down.
I’ll repeat again: one year from now, you will be happier than you were a year ago. I PROMISE you that you’ll see what I mean if you just keep praying and trusting.