Allowing kids to attend a Catholic school is a far cry from having the kids live in a same sex household. If the same sex parents can be discrete
about their relationship, I don’t see this as a major problem.
It is not the ideal situation, but I think far more damage is done if a** feeling **of discrimination and isolation is made.
So feelings and speculated psychological impact is more impotant than morality and preserving the intergity of Catholic culture? Why should I set the bar and expectation low? After all, I am paying out of pocket for my children’s Catholic education.
Bye the way, the Church has seen enough of how “discreet” immoral sexual exchange is a MAJOR problem and cause for scandal in the Church.
Part of the problems with segragation was aggrivated by kids having never dealt with folks of other backgrounds in their schools or communities. You may want to lock your kids in a basement to prevent them from ever seeing less desirable parts of society, but I don’t think that helps.
I am all for appropriate and controlled and monitored multi-cultural exposure. BUT not a lesson and indoctrination in secualar/wordly values in *my *Catholic school setting. The primary responsibility of
my children’s Catholic school is to assist in inculcating in them solid, orthodox Catholic values and world view. Unitl they are well imbued, I insist that they be incubated in their Catholic school learing experience from counter Catholic vaues and world view; until with graduated exposure they are ready to fully fledge the nest into the missionary ground of our secular society.