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She’s the mother of Emperor Constantine,
And that made Saint Helena a queen,
So she went to the Holy Land,
To give the Christians there a hand,
And there, as mother of the boss,
She helped locate the One True Cross,
Her faith and charity did shine,
And she’s the saint of post 69.
It’s just 4:00 am and I have already learned something today. Thank you @christofirst for providing me with the example of Saint Helena, who put her hunger to know Jesus into action.

Have a blessed day!
Guerric of Igny, Cistercian abbot,
From St. Bernard, clothed in the habit,
And sent to Igny, we are told,
To lead when he was 60 years old,
The 54 sermons he wrote there,
Are regarded as beyond compare,
He’s known as Blessed Guerric today,
My 70th post for a great abbe.
What a great way to start the time, to find this poem just before starting morning prayer.

Have a blessed day!
When Saint Bernard first entered Citeaux,
He got thirty of his relatives to also go,
And when he was named Abbot of Clairvaux,
That’s when the Cistercian Order did grow,
His joy and zeal were so attractive,
A love quite literally hyperactive,
He very nearly destroyed his health,
But serving God was his only wealth,
So hail the Trappists’ favorite son,
As I do with post seventy-one!
He is such a significant Saint that today is his Memorial, as noted in the Liturgy of the Hours prayed by the Church today. Thank you @christofirst for the additional insight into this Doctor of the Church.
From humble beginnings to St. Peter’s Chair,
Pope St. Pius X for our Church did care,
He introduced a new catechism,
And warned of the dangers of Modernism,
The Canon Law he did reform,
And frequent Communion became the norm,
These things and much more this Pope did do,
He’s our saint of the day for my post 72.
He is a Saint from a more recent time, and the impacts of his time as Pope we feel every day. We should be as blessed.
Today we honor Mary as Queen,
And she, as Faith depicts the scene,
Received her crown when life did cease,
In Heaven from the Prince of Peace,
So now we take to her our needs,
And with her Son, she intercedes,
A Queen who cares for you and me,
A soothing thought for post 73.
And to that wonderful poem I will simply add - “Amen!”

Have a blessed day!
Have a blessed day!
You too!

Saint Rose of Lima, from Peru,
Lived as God called her to do,
A special life of great denial,
Such zeal could only last a while,
She died at only thirty-one,
And when her austere life was done,
The Church approved, proclaimed her worth,
The first saint of American birth,
She gave up much, but gained much more,
Today’s saint for post seventy-four.
She accomplished in 31 years what I don’t know that I have in almost double that - Sainthood. May we all one day meet her in heaven.
He’s one of Our Lord’s chosen crew,
The Apostle, Saint Bartholomew,
And some have said, regarding his name,
That he and Nathaniel are one and the same,
To India, and Armenia too,
He preached as well as he could do,
And sadly, he was skinned alive,
A Martyr’s death for post seventy-five.
Peace and order he did bring,
Saint Louis IX, France’s king,
In an age marked by barbarity,
He fostered great prosperity,
And though his crusades sometimes failed,
His faith and devotion still are hailed,
Today’s his day, as our Church picks,
And I do too, with post seventy-six.
He used his power and authority well, and today he is the patron Saint for a long list of items. He is a great positive example of what Jesus taught in the Parable of the Talents, found in Matthew 25:14-30.

Have a blessed Sunday.
I can’t believe I missed that. :cry:

Do you suppose he’ll come 'round these parts and enlighten us all again?

A girl can dream… 😇
I hope that you are catching these posts each day. They are just as awesome as I remembered.
Today we honor two fine sainted stars,
St. Elizabeth Bichier, and St. Teresa Jornet Ibars,
Two nuns from Europe, from a similar time,
And both of their names are hard to rhyme,
They both founded orders, of which they served as boss,
The Little Sisters of the Poor, and the Daughters of the Cross,
They pray for us now from their place in Heaven,
Our saints today for post seventy-seven.
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For every parent of a child,
Who worries when that child goes wild,
Take comfort that Saint Monica too,
Knows just what you’re going through,
Her son Augustine, who lost his way,
Is one of our greatest saints today,
And even he says he got there,
With the help of his mother’s constant prayer,
She worried, but things turned out great,
Our saint today for post seventy-eight.
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