Anyone watching PresidentTrump Rally in Tulsa Oklahoma Live

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When we have a country being torn apart by a rapidly spread virus (which I got a few months ago and know how bad it is) and racism and hatred and murder, how in any way possible is a political rally the prudent thing to do right now? Especially since it will no doubt spread the virus more.

My level of respect for the head of this administration was already extremely low but now it’s abysmal.

The US needs prayers more than ever.
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I’d say we need a rally more than ever - particularly a rally where no cops get spit on; no bricks get thrown; no stores looted; and nothing gets stolen, and no buildings get torched.

Those things don’t happen at Trump rallies.

My respect for the man and his administration has never been greater - particularly in light of the haters he deals with every day.
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With regard to the Tulsa rally, I watched some of it, but had to switch to The Honeymooners (the mambo episode, which I love). I must say Trump can give Jackie Gleason a run for his money in the department of laughter.

All I got from the rally were three themes: religion, patriotism, and Second Amendment rights (Gd, country, and guns). It might as well have been a 1968 Nixon rally or a 1980 Reagan rally. Trump was a bit better, however, when he criticized Biden with respect to the latter’s China policy and as being a tool for the left-wing fringe. The first time around Trump was something new and exciting, a non-politician who spoke his mind, but now he sounds rather stale to me.
Hmmm…stale, you say? Stale is Joe Biden, who’s been in the senate for 40+ years.

EDIT: The country could use more religion and patriotism; in light of the riots recently, I’d say we could use more privately-owned guns too.
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I was very unhappy with anyone not wearing a mask or practicing social distancing at a protest.

But I also acknowledge the protests were in response to serious injustices, not a rah-rah for someone who already has the nomination.
If you do not understand that many people are at a Trump rally because of grave injustices, and at least one reason much more grave than that which supposedly spurred the protests/riots, then you are missing much of the big picture of America.
I’ll take your word for it. I have yet to hear more than a few words spoken by Donald Trump. I have no need to hear any more than I already have.
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Guns, religion, and patriotism: that is the rallying cry of conservatives for time immemorial, and it is more than a little stale.

Biden is beyond stale: he should not even be running for office, let alone the presidency. Rather, he should be under the care of a good physician either at home or in the hospital.
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I agree with you as to Biden. Some believe the Dems’ entire plan is to have him win then step down in a year or so.
I’d say we need a rally more than ever - particularly a rally where no cops get spit on; no bricks get thrown; no stores looted; and nothing gets stolen, and no buildings get torched.

Those things don’t happen at Trump rallies.
I assume you’re ok with people being attacked, like BBC journalists? Trump rallies are hardly violence-free.
I have said before that I think the Dems’ plan is to have Biden LOSE and then position themselves better for 2024 with a more leftist candidate. In between, the Dems expect Trump to “hang himself” due to the economy, social unrest, the pandemic and who knows what else. In my view, both Trump and Biden are their own worst enemies in the presidential race.
I’m not OK with the intellectual dishonesty of trying to say Trump rallies are violent compared to the looting, arson, theft and mayhem in 25 major (democrat-controlled) US cities last week.
I’m not OK with the intellectual dishonesty of trying to say Trump rallies are violent compared to the looting, arson, theft and mayhem in 25 major (democrat-controlled) US cities last week.
I wasn’t making that comparison. We were talking about rallies.
That is actually an interesting idea and I’m going to give it some thought.

We may not agree on some things but your points are interesting.
It’s pretty obvious that Biden is past his sell-by date and the unexpected pandemic is actually helping him by reducing opportunities for him to make public gaffes.
There is still a chance for him to win if the economy goes deeper into the tank.
I strongly suspect that the recent unrest has picked up some votes for Trump.
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If Biden wins we’ll have four years of wonderful gaffes and awkward petting.
I don’t see Biden serving out a term, hence why a VP pick is such a big issue.

For that matter, Biden will be hurt in the polls IMHO almost no matter who he picks - because they naturally will not appeal to a lot of people. Whoever he picks is almost by definition someone who underwhelmed in the polls themselves. That’s why “generic democrat” or “generic republican” often polls well. When “generic democrat” is replaced with, say, Kamala Harris or Stacy Abrams, invariably lots of people will decide they don’t like that ticket. That’s also why Trump’s pick of Mike Pence was smart IMHO: Pence was sort of an outsider (ie not a career Washington pol like a senator) who brought some stability and government experience to the ticket but who really was disliked by very few.
From what I understand, everyone’s temperature was taken and hand sanitizer provided before they were allowed in. 8PM ET is 5PM PST, where I live. We’re watching it on TV. Not a lot of mask wearing, but I’m sure those who planned on attending were pretty much expecting that, and those who chose to wear masks wore them.

Frankly, I was more interested in what Mr. Trump had to say. He’s trying to get our country back on its feet. We can’t all stay sequestered forever.
I can. But I’m done banging my against a wall and expecting a different result with people who think covid is a death sentence.

Good. Bye.
My favorite episodes of Perry Mason were always the ones where the prosecution would rest, the judge would ask Perry to present the defense of his client, then he’d shout, “So you think this case is already settled?! I’m not going to present a case when you can figure out why he’s innocent!” After that Perry Mason would storm out of the courtroom and not be seen again.
I don’t recall ever seeing those episodes.
Trump is not our savior and a rally for him does not solve our issues. It only further spreads the rhetoric we have seen from this administration for the past 3.5 years.
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