I am not asking why the abuse happened. Sick people are all around us. I am asking why the bishops and cardinals covered up the crimes and told victims to keep their mouths shut. I am outraged about that fact. I am also outraged that a few people insist that this is no big deal. What you don’t understand is that every time you deny the abuse, or the cover up, or state that everyone is picking on the church, or whine about the money being paid out to the victims, this is another stake in their heart. The victims should never have to explain themselves or their actions, or insist it wasn’t their fault. We should all know that. And we should be in their corner. What should have happened is that the matter should have been turned over to the authorities. Now it appears that you want a solution. Don’t you understand there can never be a solution for the victims as long as you keep covering up for the perpertrators and making excuses for them? The victims need our support. They need to hear that they did no wrong, their mothers did no wrong. The priests and heirarchy did wrong. We need to rally around them and give them our sympathy and listen to their horror stories. Let them get it out. Not call them liars or criticize them for not putting a stop to it, or insist that the church was just protecting itself. We need to be there for them and maybe then, only then, in time, there can begin a healing.