Or perhaps it was.
I thought that support of the death penalty was prudential ?virtually every GOP politician publicly supports issues that go contrary to Catholic teachings. I have named several in this thread, including the death penalty…
And? Never said anything about the “rule” which you apparently don’t fully understand, just about those specific person’s jurisdiction to make any decision about it. And they won’t have it in the future; Cardinal Gregory will in the fullness of time.neither is b gregory.
Whilst matters of jurisdiction are pertinent to who in the end has authority & capacity to act, they do not confer greater wisdom to assess the circumstances.Cardinal Burke and Archbishop Chaput have expressed their thoughts.
Neither of them have any jurisdiction in this matter.
Will you help us to understand how sound reasoning reasonably can lead to the conclusions expressed by cardinal Gregory?The opinions and conclusions hold absolutely no interest for me because they [are] not soundly arrived at
I read that there was a Jesuit priest who taught that you can be personally opposed to abortion and to contraception, but at the same time you can be against laws that prohibit such. He made a distinction between the two issues.Biden campaigned on being pro-Roe and being a Catholic,
Yes. I am.so what, are you any different than any other Joe?
I could.Will you help us to understand how sound reasoning reasonably can lead to the conclusions expressed by cardinal Gregory?
You may want to re-visit your method of advocating a position…if advocating is really what you wish to do.that is nonsense,
There was a time when no one would dream of challenging a bishop’s decisions. I think those days are forever gone.The laity are governed by their respective bishops, to whom they show respect, deference and filial obedience.
Forever is a long time.There was a time when no one would dream of challenging a bishop’s decisions. I think those days are forever gone.
and as I keep saying he isn’t now, his opinion at this time, is worth the same as the other 2 bishops.Cardinal Gregory will in the fullness of time.
please summon it up for me, usually, anything legal expands its use.He made a distinction between the two issues.
Check out Father Robert Drinan, S.J. on wikipedia.please summon it up for me
so should Biden present himself for communion? what about the rules? does everyone get the same treatment? what about the scandal?I received it when I was ordained.
he basically didn’t address the issue of approaching unworthily in the article you posted, he doesn’t want a gun on the table? what does this mean? he had no reason to address it at all at this time.The Cardinal himself has explained his thought quite well and articulately.
I remember being told that decades ago and the outcome for the church wasn’t good when it was followed.and we do well to mind our place.
Test all things; hold fast to that which is good.
excuse me? I follow the position of 2 bishops and you would evict me? my language and attitudes are based on seeing too many people treated differently by the clergy just because of who they were.Had you been given the opportunity to visit me in my office of my chancery and employed the language and attitudes you demonstrate here, you would not have stayed in my office very long. Nor would you have been given the chance to visit it again…ever.
If that is your actual thought, you don’t understand the most rudimentary concepts of ecclesiology.his opinion at this time, is worth the same as the other 2 bishops.
There is a name I have not heard for a long time. God rest his soul. We had dinner together, many years ago. Bob has been gone now 10…almost 15 years, if I am not mistaken.Check out Father Robert Drinan, S.J.
Well yes, but that has not protected some bishops from terrible error.At the end of the day, every bishop stands as a successor to the Apostles.
It did not protect the Apostles from making terrible errors, too. But there we are nevertheless.Well yes, but that has not protected some bishops from terrible error.
What does that mean?Indeed it leaves me questioning whether you are actually Catholic.