Hi Tar,
I didn’t see your original post so I have no idea what’s going on, but I’m going to jump in the crowded waters anyways to try and help answer the questions first posed in this thread.
You first asked if Catholics are too high and mighty and overly judgemental. My answer, 2 years ago, would have been a very definite yes. At that point, I was not properly educated in the richness of the Catholic faith, and I thought, who are we Catholics to say if 2 people can or cannot live together? We are not God. BUT, now that I have grown deeper into the faith, I realize it is not a matter of being judgemental, it is a matter of simply knowing right from wrong. The church says couples should not co-habitate before marriage, so I must obey it. (Please note that I lived with my husband while we were engaged too, and I look back and wish we hadn’t. It just would have been more special.) Anyways, whether I completely understand the “rules” or not does not matter. I simply must obey them.
Second, you asked why are people leaving? In my personal experience, it is because we are poorly educated in our faith. We need better cathecism classes for “cradle Catholics” like myself. Growing up, I knew nothing about my faith except that we said the same prayers every Sunday, sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up, got Communion, had doughnuts after Church and went home. (mind you I’m being a bit over simplistic, but just trying to make a point.) We need to better educate our youth on the fullness of the Catholic church so the evangelical church down the street with the cool rock band and fun “youth groups” don’t “steal” them.
As to why we are having a shortage of priests, in my humble opinion, it’s due to the society we live in. We want it all and we want it now. It is a huge sacrifice for a healthy adult male to remain celibate and give their lives to God and I think we are not raising our youth to realize the beauty of that sacrifice.
Lastly, why are kids embarassed to be Catholic? I don’t know… Again, in my humble experience, it’s not “in” to be Catholic right now. It’s not cool. It’s becoming cool to go to an evangelical church and hang out there, but for some reason Catholics are just not the latest fad and you know how kids are. If something’s not “cool”, it simply will not do.
Anyways, these are just my opinions and experiences. I hope they’ve helped you. I pray that you find support and comfort here as well as a place you know you can go to for the Truth.
God Bless.