Whatever you use, the US performance is abysmal…there were more new cases in the White House in 1 day than there were in all of Taiwan in 1 week. There’s a reason for that, and his initials are DJT
That very well could be. Why critics and some Republicans should spend precious money in NY City, even Times Square, and in big neon signs show how many people Trump has killed with Covid .
You know, the city that got bailed out and received nice hospital facilities via ship Comfort and built another hospital at a city center. Cuomo had a nice photo op as ship came into harbor passing statue of liberty. Unfortunately these were underused and Cuomo still sent sick folk back to nursing homes killing 11000 of them (hey saves on portion of Medicaid the state pays out?).
Boths sides can point the finger and have vitriole for each other. I wonder if S. Korea is as divisive ?
So again will agree with you that we can rightly focus on Trump and pount the error finger. And so be it. But just like how we teach our kids of the shamefullness of the white, euro, Christian, male effects on this new continent, the disengenuos part comes from not mentioning the shamefullness of all peoples and cultures in one way or another.
Tell me, do you have such rightful critiques of Cuomo and governors, and of state and local officials and health departments and hospitals also? How about government officials ( who may have lined their pockets) in easing the way for capitalists to put their factories in China, even makers of safety and health items? I mean there is plenty of cheap labor south of the border, but I guess they don’t have the deep pockets to bribe officials and lure companies as a communist China country can. Kudos to you if you rightly judge all.
See how the vitriole goes right back at finger pointers? But yes, the president is our leader, and his branch runs the CDC, and Congress funds it. Yes they could have been better prepared. I am afraid both critics and defenders have their good straight fact pounts, and both can also have bias, slant( you know, never say anything good). Makes me recall where our school district claimed to have reduced administration positions, something taxpayers like to see. Upon further investigation they merely shifted the same work to “teachers”, spending about the same amount of money, taking teachers out of the classroom. All politics is local.
Another tidbit. When 9-11 occurred, where was President Bush, leader of our miltary and covert defenses? Surrounded by kindergarteners, sitting low in chair, reading them a book. We are so narcisistic and weak and dependent on what? I wonder if Washington or Adams or Jefferson needed to do the same. Point being, we are each responsible for our health, and shame on me me if I seek refuge of my families medical woes mostly to a political leader, as if I am helplessly lost otherwise. I know it is a pandemic, but still we are not ignorant historically of those.