Are you really going to sit out this Election for President because you dislike a candidate's tweets or bravado? What about the future of our kids and

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I preferred him to Obama. At least Bush didn’t try to force Catholic charities to provide abortifacients to employees. Nor did he arrogate to the government the power to determine who Lutheran ministers are and are not. Nor did he drop the Mexico City policy. Nor did he appoint two abortion supporters to the Supreme Court.
Why didn’t Trump talk about these accomplishments? Why didn’t we have real debates on the pros and cons of specific policies instead of the phony “entertainment” and the name-calling such as socialist, communist, and authoritarian, fascist?
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Florida was again in play,
Indeed. It turned out after the counting was done throughout all of Florida, Gore had the most votes. But the Republican SC terminated the counting before even that one county was finished.
That would be a good standard, it it happens.

Two more days, and we will see if sanity returns to the country.
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I agree. 800,000 votes from one district would be somewhat murky. Even Trump wouldn’t be able to get away with that one. Or maybe he would if they vote twice for him as he asked them to do.
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Regarding the actual positions of the candidates, here are some of President Trump’s pro-life actions:
  • pro-life women’s health centers now receive funds that used to go to Planned Parenthood, $60 million, in Title X.
  • appointed over 200 Judges who support life, freedom, and law
  • Trump Administration signed an anti-abortion declaration with 32 member states in the United Nations
  • strengthened enforcement of federal laws protecting conscience rights of health care workers who refuse to participate in abortion
  • established veterans right to avoid long wait times in Veterans Administration by granting them the right to choose another health care provider
  • created “Right to Try”, where those with terminal illness have right to attempt experimental drugs in hope of cure
  • permitted Texas to fund health program that does not send funds to abortion businesses
  • took action against California & others for violating conscience protections
  • named 33 members to his council of Catholic advisors that include pro-life leaders like Marjorie Dannenfelser and Janet Morana
  • created new HHS Office for Conscience Protection
  • Executive Order to protect babies born during botched abortions
  • ended tax dollars given to abortion providers throughout world by not only reinstating, but also expanding the Mexico City Policy
  • appointed cabinet of many pro-life leaders
  • allows states to defund Planned Parenthood of Medicaid funds
  • ended President Obama’s fornication-promoting $100 million per year sex-education program
  • eliminated Obamacare’s abortifacient coverage forced upon churches and other Christian businesses
  • 1st President to appear at March For Life
  • defunded Pro-Abortion UNFPA which has been complicit in China’s forced birth control and abortion
and additional religious liberty:
  • Trump executive order allowing free speech and religious liberty for churches
  • supports girls who do not want boys in their locker rooms or
  • created 1776 Commission to promote patriotic education, and to counter-act the New York Times’ hate-America 1619 Project
  • supports school choice
  • expanding protections for religious groups on college campuses and threatens to cut federal education funding to colleges that violate free speech rules.
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Why didn’t we have real debates
Because the deep-state Commission on Presidential Debates decided against topics that accentuate Trump’s strengths, or attack some of Biden’s glaring weeknesses.

While Biden did make that odd town hall statement that 8-year-olds to be allowed to make life-changing gender-change decisions, I don’t think the debates covered the following:
  • Joe Biden said “Transgender issues are the most important civil rights issue of our time”
  • wants
  • Joe Biden officiated a gay wedding in 2016
  • Joe Biden said in a speech in China while serving as vice president that he “fully understands” and was not “second-guessing” the communist regime’s brutal one-child policy, which resulted in the killing of hundreds of millions of children, mostly girls
  • led the 1991 effort granting China “most favored” nation status
  • as a Senator, voted in favor of War in Iraq
  • declared that he will reinstate transgenders in military
  • said the Islamic faith should be taught in public schools, despite the fact that Christians and Jews can’t teach their faith in public school
    Joe Biden’s record on abortion:
  • Voted against notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions in 2006
  • Voted against prohibiting minors crossing state lines for abortion in 2008
  • Voted against criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime in 2004
  • Voted against maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions in 2004
  • Voted against banning human cloning in 1998
  • selected the most leftist extremist Senator according to govtrackinsider, Kamala Harris, as his running mate. Harris has a 0% pro-life voting record, according to National Right To Life Committee (
  • voted in favor of the Harkin Amendment to endorse Roe v. Wade, permits abortion for any reason.
  • supports using tax dollars to pay for abortion, says he will overturn the Hyde Amendment
  • voted for taxpayer funding of overseas pro-abortion organizations
  • the National Right to Life Committee rated Biden’s pro-life voting record at almost zero from 2001 to 2008, according to
  • supports abortion on demand
  • said that he will eliminate the conscience protection exemption from the Little Sisters of the Poor
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Because “Orange man bad” Russia Russia Russia Ukraine Russia Russia Russia “Orange man bad” racist, misogynist, homophobic.

That’s all the MSM wanted you to know so that’s all you got.

Well - that and Fox is bad State TV. (FYI don’t have FOX News)

And then when you might get to hear the president tell you about his accomplishments the press asked him questions like this:

Have you stopped beating your wife?

Though that classic kind of sounded like:
How does it feel to kill 260,000 Americans with the Covid virus?


Do you still support those racist neo-Nazi White nationalists?
Maybe because we remember “Mexico will pay for the wall.”
Could still happen. But there is a difference between refraining from doing something yourself and forcing another to do something.
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Because “Orange man bad” Russia Russia Russia
The Democrat Party-press and the Democrat Party, as well as Washington/NY-based GOP insiders, have spent the last 4 years demonizing Donald Trump. It has been an unprecedented campaign of character assassination, the likes of which no living American has ever seen against a sitting president. They’ve concocted scandals and narratives involving the Russians, Ukrainians, his businesses and finances, the coronavirus, race, etc. They launched a Soviet-style criminal investigation without a lawful predicate, which came up empty. They unconstitutionally impeached him, with no hope of removing him from office. The goal has been to ruin his reputation, turn him into political kryptonite, and either force him from office or defeat his re-election effort.

Donald Trump’s tweets are carefully scrutinized to use against him in any way possible, while Joe Biden’s endless, appalling statements are dismissed as innocent gaffs; allegations of past personal indiscretions are used as cudgels against the president, but Tara Reade’s allegation of sexual assault against Biden are dismissed (not to mention all the other women accusing Biden of unwanted touching, a firing offense in any other job); Trump’s numerous policies and outreach to minority communities are ignored, despite the fact that they’ve resulted in actual benefits to untold numbers of minority citizens, while Biden’s long history of supporting racist policies and making racist comments, all on the public record, are buried.

Trump has been accused of being a dictator, Hitler, and Stalin in an unhinged and vicious attack on his character both in the media and by Democrats, yet he has been restrained and prudential in his use of power both here and abroad, mindful of the Constitution’s limits and the costs of war.

And it is Pelosi and Schumer who cheered as more was learned of the lawless Obama presidency’s use of the FBI, intel agencies, and the FISA court to destroy the Trump candidacy and presidency.

Of course, the president is not perfect, like most other human-beings, but he is more perfect than many of his modern predecessors, including FDR, JFK, LBJ, and Barack Obama. To varying degrees, they used the FBI, IRS, and/or CIA against their political opponents, and unleashed these agencies against hostile news organizations. But they’re not said to be dictators. No, they were “progressives” and, of course, Democrats. The limits of this platform prevent me from writing further. But keep all this in mind in the months ahead, as these same centers of power and privilege intensify their propaganda and demonization campaign against President Trump.
(edited to save space)
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“We are being asked to choose: either the culture of life or the culture of death, religious freedom or religious oppression, prosperity or poverty, a secure nation or open borders, patriotism or globalism, a free market or socialism, the Constitution or judicial tyranny, law and order or anarchy, and much more,” said Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. “There has never been a more consequential election in our history,” he concluded. “The options have never been more diametrically opposed, and the choice has never been clearer.”

“It’s better to think about what President Trump has done and what his judicial nominees are going to do for us in 20 and 30 years instead of focusing on things the president did 20 or 30 years in the past. Trump is the first conservative to respond to the left with the same ugly language they use to disparage him and all of their opponents.”
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People are still listening to Fr. Pavone? That’s unfortunate.
Let’s not forget that Kamala Harris is in line to be President after Joe Biden. Kamala Harris is so extreme on abortion she even voted against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (legislation to protect unborn children from abortion after 20 weeks, when they are capable of feeling excruciating pain), voted against Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, (which would have required that a baby born alive during an abortion must be given the same degree of medical care as other babies born).

Instead of prosecuting Planned Parenthood in 2016, as Attorney General of California, Harris was behind the raid of David Daleiden’s apartment, when authorities took a laptop and several hard drives that contained the videos he filmed as part of his expose of Planned Parenthood.

Kamala Harris received a 100% pro-abortion rating from NARAL and a 0% pro-life rating from the National Right To Life Committee.

Harris co-sponsored the Green New Deal, which has been estimated to cost between $37,000-to-$60,000 per household each year.

Harris co-sponsored the Equality Act, which would force girls to compete against boys in sports and would force girls to share locker rooms and bathrooms with boys.
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