Are you really going to sit out this Election for President because you dislike a candidate's tweets or bravado? What about the future of our kids and

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Trump has said he would accept a clear result, but not a murky one…
…with the definition of “clear result” left up to him. This is no commitment at all. We have seen him invalidate his own “assurances” by using terms with subjective interpretations. He is a master at it.
Post election will be far more interesting if all these ‘getting lawyers primed’ becomes a reality. Remember the punch hole thing ? Are there punch hole votes these days?
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Too often liberty’s permanence makes its manifestations elusive or invisible to those born into it. Even if liberty is acknowledged, it is often taken for granted and it permanence assumed…

We must never accede to the terms of our economic and political surrender and servitude. We must never abandon our children and grandchildren to a dark and bleak future. We must never accept a fate that is alien to the legacy we’ve inherited from our ancestors. We must never accept social engineering by politicians and bureaucrats who treat us like lab rats, rather than self-sufficient human-beings. For those who choose tyranny over liberty and vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat Party, they do not speak for the tens of millions of us who revere the principles undergirding our society and appreciate the fruits of our economic system. Nor do they get to dictate the terms of our existence, as they contort the Constitution and the law to accommodate their political ends. We must not be compliant to their demands and designs. WE MUST VOTE, VOTE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND THE REPUBLICANS, AND RALLY OUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, CO-WORKERS, AND NEIGHBORS TO VOTE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND THE REPUBLICANS! And we must, like our forefathers who founded this magnificent country, become active in our own survival!

(more from the original Mark Levin Show post)
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Think it’s a wacko theory huh ?

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

Woodrow Wilson

They have been trying to do it for a very long time. They think now is the time.

"The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.

That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know."

John F. Kennedy

Read those quotes again and look around. See anything that resembles the danger of chaos in the US ?

Ordo ab chao (order out of chaos ) The motto of the 33rd degree of Scottish Freemasonry

“For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood;
but against principalities and powers, against the
rulers of the world of this darkness, against the
spirits of wickedness in the high places.”
—Ephesians 6:12

Well, there are a few rulers of the world in the video above.

And this from a document that fell into the hands of Plus IX…

“Our ultimate end is
that of Voltaire and of the
French Revolution – the final
destruction of Catholicism and
even of the Christian idea.”
– From The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita

There was a time when the Catholic Church was the only thing standing in the way of a new world order.

“Leave old people and those of a mature age aside; go to the youth, and if it is possible, even to the children … You will contrive for yourselves, at little cost, a reputation as good Catholics and pure patriots.”
the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita

Now what is standing in the way is Donald Trump. And this election will decide if it remains so.
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All 53 Republican Senators voted in favor of protecting babies born from botched abortions. On the other hand, Democratic Senators voted 41-3 AGAINST the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act in February of this year. Had just 7 Democrats voted in favor, a baby born alive during an abortion must be given the same degree of medical care that any other baby born at the same gestational age would, including transportation to a hospital. It also would enforce punishing doctors who refuse to provide basic medical care to infants.

In the October 3, 2017 Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (to stop abortions after 20 weeks) vote in the House of Representatives: Republicans voted 234 -to- 2 to stop abortions after 20 weeks, and only 3 Democrats voted to stop abortions after 20 weeks.
Quite a difference, especially when this involves compassion for unborn babies who can feel pain.

The same Democratic Party abortion extremism exists at the state level, as well. Democrat Governors from Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Montana rejected Born-Alive efforts, while Democrat controlled legislatures in New York, Illinois, Rhode Island, and Vermont passed abortion-to-birth laws.
Trump has said he would accept a clear result, but not a murky one because he knows how flawed the voting is in some places.
NO. Trump has told his followers that voting is flawed in some places. He has spent the past four years preparing his loyal followers to only believe what he says, not what the Courts say, not what the facts show.

I will say, however, (also?), that I think the voting systems in some states/jurisdictions aren’t really able to stand up to scrutiny. We found that in 2000. There have been a lot of improvements across many states. But, I think the mass undertaking of 290 million people voting has some flaws. Sometimes they are partisan-caused, and sometimes they are created by flawed people/systems.

But, we must all believe the process and let it work it’s way through to it’s conclusion. The Courts are an avenue, but only to decide real issues, not to try to disenfranchise opponent’s voters.
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He has spent the past four years preparing his loyal followers to only believe what he says, not what the Courts say, not what the facts show.
You don’t have much understanding of Trump supporters, but your opinion of them is certainly low. It’s right there with 'bitter clingers" and “irredeemables” and “crazies”.
This kind of bigotry is, when demonstrated, one of the major reasons why faithful Christians fear the oppression which the left is surely to visit on them. Obama showed the way with his oppression of Catholic charities and Lutheran schools, and Harris/Biden will take it up with a vengeance.
He has spent the past four years preparing his loyal followers to only believe what he says, not what the Courts say, not what the facts show.
You should travel around the country more, maybe meet people who are a little different from you. I think you would be surprised.
“It’s about race.”

That’s great of you to bring the issue of race up.

Candidate comparison regarding race:​

Joe Biden:​

  • opposes school choice for the poor who happen to live in bad school districts
  • Biden’s 1994 crime bill has been credited for putting more minorities in jail for lesser crimes.
  • wants to reduce funding for the police, which would hurt minority communities the most
  • Biden has made numerous racial gaffes, like “You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean", “racial jungle”, and that blacks all think alike

President Trump:​

  • increased funding for school choice by $42 million and has called on Congress to pass school choice legislation so that poor kids in bad school districts have the same opportunity to succeed as kids who live in better-performing school districts
  • permanently increased federal funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Over the last couple years, funding has increased by more than $100 million, which is a 17% increase, according to U.S. News
  • Trump received the Bipartisan Justice Award at a historically black college for his criminal justice reform accomplishments. Out of all of the beneficiaries of Trump’s First Step Act, 91% of the total inmates released have been Black Americans!
  • through all of 2018 and 2019, African-Americans and Hispanics were enjoying their lowest unemployment rate, and highest median income in history, largely due to President Trump’s policies.
  • President Trump supports funding for the police. 81% of Blacks want an INCREASED police presence, despite the leftist media’s misleading reporting
You should travel around the country more,
Now might not be the best time to increase travel across the country. Not that I know how much @PaulinVa had been travelling in the last 4 years.
You should travel around the country more, maybe meet people who are a little different from you. I think you would be surprised.
Why do you assume I don’t get around? Because I have views that don’t agree with yours?

Just look here at CAF. Lots of different people with different views who aren’t afraid to share them.
why faithful Christians fear the oppression which the left is surely to visit on them.
You can go all the way back to the period prior to the Council of Trent to demonstrate that. imo
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Just look here at CAF. Lots of different people with different views who aren’t afraid to share them.
Not afraid yet. But some people are “flaggers” who flag people just because they don’t like what the other said. If the left takes over, will “flagging” be as far as it goes? I don’t think we can be sure of that.
Not afraid yet. But some people are “flaggers” who flag people just because they don’t like what the other said. If the left takes over, will “flagging” be as far as it goes? I don’t think we can be sure of that.
LOL. RR, really, you should put keyboard warnings on posts like that. I almost spit coffee everywhere.

Trump is the one trying to suppress voters, urging law enforcement to arrest his opponents, telling his people not to accept the outcome of the election if he loses.
Because I have views that don’t agree with yours?
Not at all. I say that because you have such a low opinion of one segment of our society, full-on Democratic party-line and part of the tactics they use. This is twice in a couple of days that you’ve done it.
Trump is the one trying to suppress voters, urging law enforcement to arrest his opponents, telling his people not to accept the outcome of the election if he loses.

If you can expand sedition at will, then there is no limit. William Barr, the head of the President’s law enforcement, does not believe there are checks and balances on the office of the president, and the president can act at will.
The Framers had two potential models. They could insinuate “checks and balances” into the Executive branch itself by conferring Executive power on multiple individuals (a council) thus dividing the power. Alternatively, they could vest Executive power in a solitary individual. The Framers quite explicitly chose the latter model because they believed that vesting Executive authority in one person would imbue the Presidency with precisely the attributes necessary for energetic government

I find the whole idea that Biden is the one who is going to retaliate against Trump voters to be simple projection. He is an old school politician, not one who has ever said that he could do anything he wanted as president. I would really recommend to all those who do not like Trump, that if he wins, you try and keep some of your comments to yourself for four years. Keep your head down and stay safe.
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Trump is the one trying to suppress voters, urging law enforcement to arrest his opponents, telling his people not to accept the outcome of the election if he loses.
Oh please. We went through nearly three years of FBI and CIA and IC harassment of Trump and his supporters based on a fake DNC document that law enforcement knew was fake. Then we went through a fake impeachment. At least once/month someone on CAF claims Trump should be prosecuted for something or other. Trump was spied on by various means, some of which we probably still don’t know and involved foreign agents as well. We see the Dem storm troopers burning down buildings, beating up Trump supporters and threatening violence if Trumpi wins.

And you doubt the left might go vindictive after this election? And the only person threatening not to accept the election results no matter what, is Nancy Pelosi.

Go ahead and spit if it pleases you. I’m not the only one who is sick of the flagging.
If you can expand sedition at will, then there is no limit. William Barr, the head of the President’s law enforcement, does not believe there are checks and balances on the office of the president, and the president can act at will.
These people have burned, looted and killed. And you’re worried about William Barr prosecuting them.
find the whole idea that Biden is the one who is going to retaliate against Trump voters to be simple projection.
How many Trump voters are there in BLM and Antifa? These people are Democrat voters and threaten violence if Trump is elected, not Biden. Get serious.
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