Arrogance & Hypocrisy of "Traditionalists"

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Nota Bene:
So homosexual rapes and pedophilia by Catholic priests somehow justifies supporting SSPX versus Catholic publishers?

Do you honestly believe the people here cannot see right through your strawman argument? You need a course in critical thinking…
This is the usual “if they can do this why can’t SSPX” arguments. Really, how many of you let this same line fly with your children. I can just see it now…“Bobby, why did you eat a cookie when I told you not to?” Bobby replies: “But Mom, Sarah cheated on her spelling test the other day at school.” Then Mom says: “Oh, OK, Bobby. Sorry, I didn’t know your sister did something wrong too.” Honestly, I can’t figure out how you deal with these justifications?
Dr. Bombay:
Marie, there are a couple of reprints of the St. Andrews Missal floating around out there. The two I’m aware of are reprints of the 1945 and 1952 versions. Leaflet Missal Company sells one. I can’t vouch for who the publisher is, though.

This isn’t the fancy, highly recommended schismatic missal and it won’t contain all the revisions up to '62. But I’m sure you could muddle through the TLM somehow with a St. Andrews.

Of course, duck tape does have a certain charm… :yup:
Duck tape is a great invention. 😃 As to muddle through…Latin was the in thing all of my early life…I can do most of it without a missal but I do like it when I wander into a TLM. It makes me look smart! :rotfl: Or maybe it is the Duck Tape that impresses them. 😉
Try checking out e-bay for a missal. Many of them are just the ones you are looking for and yet are in almost new condition.
Answer the question
Fine. Of course, every good Catholic knows you are only obliged to listen to the Pope when he speaks ex cathedra.

Actually, I’m sure Fr. McBrien will tell you you don’t have to listen to him even then. After all, he’s just a celibate old foreigner. What does he know?

** “Habemus Papam!”

I present to you Pope katolik I… :clapping:
Dr. Bombay:
Fine. Of course, every good Catholic knows you are only obliged to listen to the Pope when he speaks ex cathedra.

Actually, I’m sure Fr. McBrien will tell you you don’t have to listen to him even then. After all, he’s just a celibate old foreigner. What does he know?

**“Habemus Papam!” **

I present to you Pope katolik I… :clapping:
Funny you should say that… Do you know that the Pope is one of my countrymen…
When did the Pope speak “ex cathedra” in declaring that the NO Mass is supposted to suppress the Traditional Latin Mass? Did he also say burn the Liber Usualis[Gregorian chant manual], throw away Roman vestments"fiddlebacks"], and use absolutely no Latin at Mass?

Oh yes and I declare that your proclamation of me as Pope is null and void. Declaring me the Pope unlawfully is putting yourself outside the Church and you have incurred schism.
Funny you should say that… Do you know that the Pope is one of my countrymen…
When did the Pope speak “ex cathedra” in declaring that the NO Mass is supposted to suppress the Traditional Latin Mass? Did he also say burn the Liber Usualis[Gregorian chant manual], throw away Roman vestments"fiddlebacks"], and use absolutely no Latin at Mass?

Oh yes and I declare that your proclamation of me as Pope is null and void. Declaring me the Pope unlawfully is putting yourself outside the Church and you have incurred schism.
I never said he did.

And I declare your declaration of me being in schism to put you outside the Church and *you *have incurred schism.
Funny you should say that… Do you know that the Pope is one of my countrymen…
When did the Pope speak “ex cathedra” in declaring that the NO Mass is supposted to suppress the Traditional Latin Mass? Did he also say burn the Liber Usualis[Gregorian chant manual], throw away Roman vestments"fiddlebacks"], and use absolutely no Latin at Mass?

Oh yes and I declare that your proclamation of me as Pope is null and void. Declaring me the Pope unlawfully is putting yourself outside the Church and you have incurred schism.
I wish there was a document that said to throw-away those wretched fiddlebacks that look like bulletproof vests…
Try checking out e-bay for a missal. Many of them are just the ones you are looking for and yet are in almost new condition.
Next thing yur gonna do is tell us where we can buy a good USED car!
I want NEW as in no-fingerprints! My need is a GIFT, not a bargain store discard version.
Besides, the operators of e-bay are heretical AND schismatic.
OK, here’s a British company who will take credit cards and can get it to you in 3 weeks. Their edition has an impramatur from Bishop Bruskewitz. We know how he feels about SSPX so I’m sure this company is OK. And if you ever travel to England, Wales or Scotland you’ll also be set!
So now nobody needs to use Angelus.

Somehow T, didn’t think your wife would mind since she was using an heirloom already! 😉
OK, here’s a British company who will take credit cards and can get it to you in 3 weeks. Their edition has an impramatur from Bishop Bruskewitz. We know how he feels about SSPX so I’m sure this company is OK. And if you ever travel to England, Wales or Scotland you’ll also be set!
So now nobody needs to use Angelus.

Somehow T, didn't think your wife would mind since she was using an heirloom already!  ;)
It’s my Dad’s and I want it BACK. This woman doesn’t take too well to used merchandise as a gift. The one she has is on loan until I can get something BETTER.
Everything she ever gets for me is NEW, and top drawer. She just won’t spend on herself.
Her SUV is 1993. paid cash, and drives it everywhere unless I’m with her. Worn out 2 odometers. (Has had G-Shepherds & half-breed wolves in it for those 12 yrs). :eek: This his how I know that true lasting love is NOT a feeling. It’s a function of iron will.

Thank you for the British Site. I hope Marie sees it.
Even you can be a blessing…for the trads.
Secret double agent…I still say.
I will rebuke people for taking Communion in the hand because it is not praised by the Church, it is untraditional, and this has been used to disprove belief in the Eucharist by Protestants.

No mortal is intelligent. St.Thomas Aqunias’s Summa Theologica, the Church’s standard theological text for the last 800 years says that. Have you attended a Traditional Latin Mass yet? Even Novus Ordo priests notice this. Ask the priests at St.Joseph’s or Assumption Grotto why they say the Mass, front to the tabernacle and in Latin?You rebuke people for taking Communion in the hand yet you defend the SSPX, how convient. If an “NO” bishop decided to consecrate 4 new priests when the Holy See denied him authorization to do so you’d be up in arms, claiming heretic for the world to hear. Yet you defend the SSPX. You rebuke people for taking Communion in the hand because it is not “praised by the church” yet you defend the SSPX whose actions have been condemned by the church.

As long as communion is allowed in the hand I will not pretend to be holier than the pope and condemn it. My loyality is to God, the magisterium and the pope. Not what I like or don’t like. Not because it’s the way it has always been done. I trust the Holy Spirit to guide the church.

The difference between you and a Catholic Traditionalist is that you use mere opinion while Traditionalists believe this to be the only way, that is the Catholic way.
I just realized I don’t to search out other quotes to prove that Trad Catholics believe they are better Catholics than those you attend the NO, you just proved it for me. “The ONLY way”, “the CATHOLIC way”? Does the Pope celebrate the TLM or the NO?

As far as no mortal being intelligent? You can quote Aquinas all you want to try to distract from the point I was making.

Main Entry: in·tel·li·gence
Pronunciation: in-'te-l&-j&n(t)s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin *intelligentia, *from *intelligent-, intelligens *intelligent
**1 a **(1) : the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations : REASON; also : the skilled use of reason (2) : the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one’s environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (as tests) b Christian Science : the basic eternal quality of divine Mind c : mental acuteness : SHREWDNESS
2 a
: an intelligent entity; especially : ANGEL b : intelligent minds or mind <cosmic intelligence>
3 : the act of understanding : COMPREHENSION

I did not say because we have TV we should change the Church and the Mass. I said TV is one of the components of the cause for people leaving the Church. The Mass is not a cause for the majority of people leaving the Church. People like yourself who have left are the exception of the rule. People do not leave because the Church is too lax, they leave because it is too strict. It demands too much of them when they are used to doing the demanding. The Church does stand firm in her Tradition, and this is why less people are becoming priests and nuns. They’ve been conditioned to believe denying oneself sex and wealth is bad. The Church says that is good. There is conflict so many do not become nuns and priests.

Do you honestly believe that bringing back the TLM exclusively would increase attendance again? People do not leave the Church to go to SSPX Masses. They leave the Church to go to liberal Protestant churches or to none at all.
What you are arguing is the Liberalist fallacy. It is what we think should happen. If ten people attend a strict church, loosen things up, make the disciplines easier, don’t be so bothered if people agree 100%, and soon you’ll have many more attending.This has been the whole philosophy behind 20th Century Liberalism.

But in reality this doesn’t work. Either in the Catholic Church or the Protestant churches.

Liberal Protestant churches have crashed in numbers over the past fifty years. Fundamentalist protestant Churches in the US a are expanding everywhere. The terrible and frightening figures posted in this thread show what damage Liberalism has done to the Church.

It may be counter-intuitive, but people want a strong, firm Church which teaches a strong coherent Faith without fudging and cavilling, doubt and uncertainty. People want worthwhile spiritual and moral demands to be made on them - not to be told “do as you like”, anything goes here.
You also seem to be arguing both ways. You say the Novus Ordo has caused a decrease in Mass attendance, yet you claim it is used to increase attendance.
The claims made for Novus Ordo by its pushers were that it would increase mass attendance by being easier for new people to understand.

In fact the Old Mass was quite easy to understand once it was explained to you, and it was far more reverent, beautiful, coherent and worshipful. More importantly it was an acting out of the reality and importance of the sacrifice of the mass. Kneeling to receive, reverence, priest facing the east, and the Liturgy all confirmed the miracle of the mass, and the actuality of the real presence.

The fact is Novus Ordo is a service designed not to “offend” protestant critics. However it can easily detract from Catholic belief. In the worst cases, meeting for a sing-a-long in the round with guitars, and lining up to be given what could be taken for a shared snack, does not build up a sense of awe or honour for the real presence.

This sort of practice acts against belief in the real presence, since the sacrament is not honoured. For if Jesus were really present, would we not kneel and treat Him with reverence?

Disbelief in the real presence inevitably leads to decline in mass attendance.
What you are arguing is the Liberalist fallacy. It is what we think should happen. If ten people attend a strict church, loosen things up, make the disciplines easier, don’t be so bothered if people agree 100%, and soon you’ll have many more attending.This has been the whole philosophy behind 20th Century Liberalism.
While you were quite correst in that making things more lenient to attract people is ineffective, it has nothing to do with the posters original comment. I concur with Genesis315 in that most people who I know that have left the church are oblivious to this type of discussion. They leave for the the reason people have been leaving for years. Sin. They are put off with the moral teaching, not the liturgical.

No one is advocating making the moral teaching of the Church less strict to keep people. We all would agree with you. That would be absurd.

You also stated, “The fact is Novus Ordo is a service designed not to “offend” protestant critics.” Where can I find the proof of this statement, since you claim it to be a “fact”?
It’s my Dad’s and I want it BACK. This woman doesn’t take too well to used merchandise as a gift. The one she has is on loan until I can get something BETTER.
Everything she ever gets for me is NEW, and top drawer. She just won’t spend on herself.
Her SUV is 1993. paid cash, and drives it everywhere unless I’m with her. Worn out 2 odometers. (Has had G-Shepherds & half-breed wolves in it for those 12 yrs). :eek: This his how I know that true lasting love is NOT a feeling. It’s a function of iron will.

Thank you for the British Site. I hope Marie sees it.
Even you can be a blessing…for the trads.
Secret double agent…I still say.
Got it…Thanks Bear06. Just what I wanted. 🙂 And Bishop Fabian and I think exactly alike on the SSPX. 👍
Foreword and Imprimatur from the Most Reverend Fabian W. Bruskewitz, STD, Bishop of Lincoln.
I will rebuke people for taking Communion in the hand because it is not praised by the Church, it is untraditional, and this has been used to disprove belief in the Eucharist by Protestants.
This comment is indicative of the topic at hand.

I honor other opinions and do not mind discussing these issues. However, I will not tolerate anyone being pushy or judgemental to me over such silliness.
Well I think that the fact that 6 Protestants along with a Mason conjured up this Mass-and were later thanked by His Holiness Pope Paul VI is Proof enough.
While you were quite correst in that making things more lenient to attract people is ineffective, it has nothing to do with the posters original comment. I concur with Genesis315 in that most people who I know that have left the church are oblivious to this type of discussion. They leave for the the reason people have been leaving for years. Sin. They are put off with the moral teaching, not the liturgical.

No one is advocating making the moral teaching of the Church less strict to keep people. We all would agree with you. That would be absurd.

You also stated, “The fact is Novus Ordo is a service designed not to “offend” protestant critics.” Where can I find the proof of this statement, since you claim it to be a “fact”?
Here you go Doctor- I would never spread calumny-I guess you would rather spread the Koran than help a group which is actually defending the true deposit of faith and not a conjured up one after Vatican II-not that I agree, but given the choice of two evils, I would take SSPX any day any time.
Dr. Bombay:
Yes, Bulldog, I am worried about giving money to the SSPX. Being a good Traditionalist, as I know you are, I’m sure you’re aware of the Commandments of the Church, one of which is:

To contribute to the support of one’s parish and the Church.

I hardly think that giving money to schismatics who have thumbed their nose at the Vicar of Christ and Successor of St. Peter and have willfully seperated themselves from Holy Mother Church and continue to this day to spurn any attempts at reapproachment by the Holy See qualifies as fulfilling that commandment.

And please provide links to the charges you make in your posts about the Church. Otherwise, they may appear to casual observers to be merely ad hominem attacks and, even if true, tend to spread scandal. (A mortal sin, BTW, not that I need to tell you that.)
Here you go Doctor- I would never spread calumny-I guess you would rather spread the Koran than help a group which is actually defending the true deposit of faith and not a conjured up one after Vatican II-not that I agree, but given the choice of two evils, I would take SSPX any day any time.
Dr. Bombay:
Yes, Bulldog, I am worried about giving money to the SSPX. Being a good Traditionalist, as I know you are, I’m sure you’re aware of the Commandments of the Church, one of which is:

To contribute to the support of one’s parish and the Church.

I hardly think that giving money to schismatics who have thumbed their nose at the Vicar of Christ and Successor of St. Peter and have willfully seperated themselves from Holy Mother Church and continue to this day to spurn any attempts at reapproachment by the Holy See qualifies as fulfilling that commandment.

And please provide links to the charges you make in your posts about the Church. Otherwise, they may appear to casual observers to be merely ad hominem attacks and, even if true, tend to spread scandal. (A mortal sin, BTW, not that I need to tell you that.)
Well I think that the fact that 6 Protestants along with a Mason conjured up this Mass-and were later thanked by His Holiness Pope Paul VI is Proof enough.
The mass was not written by Protestants or Masons. This has been asked and answered before and ranks up there as one of the wackier conspiracy theories I have ever heard.
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