Not so in Europe. The Tabernacle is in side chapels and has always been in those locations.
The tabernacle not behind the altar as it would be a “distraction with all of the genuflecting”?. The taberacle has been behind the altar for Centuries-and I dont get distracted at my TLM with the genuflecting. And I do go to Novus Ordo also-I have not seen one Priest, from the Bishop on down genuflect in I would say 15 years. They do this little bow to the LAITY-not even the tabernacle.
And if I recall the GIRM that I keep having thrown at me regarding kneeling to receive communion, was there not some new language in there regarding making a solemn sign of peace or something. And as far as the tabernacle, I think the Vatican II documents stated that the tabernacle only had to be “visible”-more vagueness as you can describe visible anywhere from behind the altar to hanging from the rafters