Isn’t preventing even a drop by 5-10% worth voting AGAINST her?? Or is saving hundreds to thousands of innocent lives not worth it compared to all our other selfish “wants” in a president? C’mon, don’t get caught up in the rhetoric that “it won’t change much”…that sounds like a cop out to doing good in this world. If no one does the little things to move the world closer to Christ’s Social Kingship, then no progress will be made to restore his kingdom.
My analysis is not a cop-out. It’s based on health statistics, and the need as Catholics to consider how our vote will affect not just abortion, but other issues as well. As the leaked memo in 2004 from then-Cardinal Ratzinger on voting in elections stated in a footnote:
A Catholic would be guilty of formal cooperation in evil, and so unworthy to present himself for Holy Communion, if he were to deliberately vote for a candidate precisely because of the candidate’s permissive stand on abortion and/or euthanasia. When a Catholic does not share a candidate’s stand in favour of abortion and/or euthanasia, but votes for that candidate for other reasons, it is considered remote material cooperation, which can be permitted in the presence of proportionate reasons.
As such, I have examined the issue of proportionality in light of the available epidemiologic data on abortion rates, historical abortion rates, and available “black market” abortifacients already in use throughout the world, and evaluated my vote based on that information.
I said that the drop in abortion rates with the overturning of Roe v. Wade would amount to 5-10% below current levels, as a direct impact of the legal status of abortion changing in “red states.” However, the legal pressure pushing abortion rates downward would only be one factor determining ultimate abortion rates.
Abortion rates could increase by the factors I described earlier, resulting from Trump’s protectionism increasing costs for all American consumers. His protectionism would likely restoring few jobs as employers turn to more automation instead of hiring new employees (e.g., self-scan lanes in grocery stores, Amazon’s factory robots, self-driving vehicles, self-service kiosks in movie theaters and restaurants, etc). Econometric studies have demonstrated that fertility decreases during economic hard times, which most economist believe will be the consequence of Trump’s policies. Studies on plant closures in one-factory towns show that fertility rates decline when that happened. The Great Recession caused many people to postpone family formation and childbearing, but not sex! That suggests that abortion rates could very well increase as a result of Trump’s economic policies.
Beyond U.S. borders, his seizure of remittances from immigrants from Mexico to fund his wall is likely to impoverish families in Mexico – that’s not likely to help at all.
There is not a single verse in the New Testament that says that Christians should influence government by getting politicians into office that support their worldviews. EVERY single one, from Jesus (e.g. Mark 10:25-35, John 18:36, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:6) to Paul (Romans 13:1-8), the author of Hebrews (13:14), to 1 Peter (2:11-17), says says that Christian political theology is NOT about taking over, but about spreading the Gospel in humility in the face of adversity. That means evangelizing and changing the culture like the early Church did… they took over the Roman Empire!
It is dangerous to associate one election with God’s kingdom. Yes, abortion is an evil that must be confronted and stopped, but I see no evidence that voting for Trump is the answer. I’m not voting for Hillary either, FYI.