Oh, Beng, I stand appalled by this comment.

It is in direct violation of so much of the Bible, the Magisterium, and the historical Church.
I can only suppose that you are operating in deep fear that your personal Catholic identity will somehow be
compromised by contact with those outside of the Church. My own personal Catholic identity is enriched, not diminished, when I fellowship with my brethren (and other Christians ARE my brethren) in ANY way.
I have never been asked to hide or downplay the Catholicism that is so deeply a part of me when I meet with and pray with my fellow brothers and sisters who are outside of the Catholic faith. Indeed they are often hungry for what we have to offer: the wisdom of the saints, the glory of the Eucharist, an understanding of contemplative prayer. We have much to offer them. They also have much to offer us.
We are many parts: we are all one body.
It seems to me, --and I qualify this with stating that I am flawed and human and could be dead wrong–, but it seems to me that you are hoarding the gifts God has granted you in the Catholic Church, rather than sharing them with those outside the Faith, and receiving the gifts they might have for you.
True ecumenism does not require us to lose anything from who we are, who God has called us to be. It enriches us, not diminishes us. My personal example is Jesus, who hung out NOT just with the in-crowd, the leaders and temple-goers of His day, but with the tax collectors, the prostitutes, and the social pariahs. I hang out not just with the Catholics but with the atheists and the Protestants (NOT to say that Protestants are whores or pariahs, y’all,

, please don’t misunderstand me

) and the non denominationals and so on.
Beng, it becomes increasingly clear to me that NO amount of discussion will change your mind about the Charismatic renewal, and
that’s OK. 
I will continue to post replies and links as the conversation goes on, primarily for those who might be lurking. I neither expect you to reply nor expect you to read and respond. May God bless you and lead you to deeper love for Him.
I recommend to everyone the book by Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes, “Call to Holiness: Reflections on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.” available from Liturgucal Press, Collegeville, Minnesota