Where “people are prosperous and free” and moving away from theistic attachment as you say they also struggle to reproduce at the level of repopulation, suffer increased rates of depression, and voluntarily kill themselves (suicide) at rates exceeding the more superstitious regions of the globe, shamans included.
These more prosperous and modern nations typically labeled the West, these “agnostic secular state with robust personal freedoms” also seem to increasingly struggle in their search for unifying, defining ideals and narratives that could delineate a constructive societal mainstream.
Let’s take the US as an example. Our ability to simply govern ourselves, pass budgets, and not perpetually hate each other increasingly falls victim to ever more bifurcative politics and the platforms of the two major parties’ candidates leave little room to blame this disfunction on religious radicals of any stripe. Abortion’s been the hot bottom religious issue in this country for decades. So naming the current pro-life candidate seems like a relevant point here: it’s Donald Trump. If he loses this November you could probably get him to perform an abortion himself for the right amount of money. Whatever’s wrong with this country those coexist bumper stickers don’t seem to adequately grasp the problem anymore.
Whereas any group of humans will have a certain amount of wack jobs, religious radicals, and frustrated ex-employees it’s the modern, liberal, increasingly agnostic citizens of the West who have, since the early 90’s, become consistently more likely to initiate mass casualty civilian attacks when we become wack jobs, religious radicals, or frustrated ex-employees. Sub-Saharan Africa may have a lot going for it, but they can’t touch our proclivity for randomly killing each other. At least we’re less superstitious than they are.
Apart from a tautological nationalism (Our country’s good because we like it), what is it exactly that makes a Western secular nation cohesive in the sense we usually assume nations are? Or perhaps the better question for those of us in the West is that, having moved beyond the biases, stupidity, and superstitions of super-natural attachment; is there any cohesive force holding our nations together? Apart from the military and police that is.
When we in the West do have to finally struggle with the inevitable existential questions of a society: who are we? What makes we … we? It’s telling that both the quoted argument above and our national discourse share an identical horizon: our own political self-definition.
Pumpkin Cookie’s final rubric for a relgion’s merits is how it’s stereotyped extreme form would organize society if it was allowed utter political power. When the American news cycle finds itself temporarily lacking a tragedy our national discourse likewise turns to the only horizon available once we’ve all agreed to stop talking about God, smile and be secular: political self-definition. Why else would everyone get so worked up about who the government will let us marry and who gets to use which bathroom? Because there’s nowhere else to look for self-defining orientation in the secular West, just the government.
Modern, agnostic secularism has many merits in my opinion, but the assumption that it is the philosophical and political culmination of human history, though still widespread, is a vestige of 20th century liberal thought that really ought to be updated. Once the victory lap around superstitious shamans, Christians, Jews, and Muslims is complete, that is.