I want to ask a question to all on the side of the OP.Do you think abortion is murder?
Yes. Do you? Because, frankly, the tactics you’re promoting only hinder the cause of saving unborn children’s lives. We can work to save the lives of unborn children in two ways:
- Fighting to make abortion illegal
- Convince women considering an abortion not to go through with it
That kind of yelling will only make them feel intimdated and scared. Why would a woman entering an abortion clinic feel comfortable approaching a person shouting at her as if she’s a Nazi? (And don’t say that’s not what it’s like, because that analogy was made by
your side of this debate.)
My girlfriend’s mother runs a crisis pregnancy center, and she talks women into letting their children be born every day she goes into work. She
is firm and clear, but also compassionate. You need
both. You may think you can do both while shouting like that, but you’re wrong. The women considering an abortion will feel threatened and will be turned off to the pro-life message.
A woman getting an abortion intends to murder her baby just as much as a Nazi intends to murder a Jew. The former probably doesn’t feel as good about it as the latter; but that has absolutely nothing to do with “intent.”
I didn’t say that the action she intends to commit isn’t murder. I said that she does not view her unborn child the same way a committed Nazi officer would have viewed Jews. I said she was not being deliberately malicious. I said she may be scared, ignorant, or both; thus, she is
not going to be thinking, “Yes! I am SO happy that I finally get the opportunity to have my baby gruesomely murdered!”
The analogy was totally inappropriate. In fact, I’m usually furious when the pro-abortion side accuses us of wanting to toss women who have abortions into prison; I regard it as nothing more than deliberate lies and propoganda.
But if some of the views held on this thread are often expressed elsewhere as well, maybe the pro-abortion crowd really
does believe that.
They already see us as the enemy, so who cares if we now make them feel afraid? And I plan on harassing them as much as I can. I don’t give a ****, they are killing innocent lives.
This post is very telling. As I said before, there are two ways we can work to save unborn lives: work to make abortion illegal, and work to convince individual women considering abortions to have their children.
Harassing women considering an abortion, making them “feel afraid” and being satisfied if they see us as “the enemy” will
seriously hinder both these goals.
Do you want to save unborn lives, or do you just want to vent your anger?
You can’t do both here. You must choose. If you really believe abortion is murder, you will put aside your anger, swallow your pride, and do what will actually save lives.
I completely understand the anger that you & other posters are expressing. I am against abortion in every instance. But, Goofyjim didn’t say stand across the street. He said stand across the street & PRAY THE ROSARY. This disgusts you? I think anyone who feels sickened by someone praying the rosary across the street needs to take a deep breath & spend some time in silent prayer. It has proven to be VERY effective.
Well said. I don’t know what is wrong with some of the people on this thread…
To claim that people who disagree with the tactic of screaming outside clinics are somehow less concerned about the unborn is just false. I think Father Pavone is against these tactics, & I know the people who organized the 40 Days for Life wouldn’t allow screaming. Many lives were saved by this campaign. You could hardly call them complacent or uncaring.
Exactly. I love the idiocy of the way the question, “Do you believe abortion is murder or not?” was posed to us. It’s those who prefer screaming to actually saving lives whose pro-life stance needs to be questioned.
It is BECAUSE of our concern for life that these tactics bother us. We realize it often hurts our cause. For the times that screaming has caused a woman to not get an abortion, how many more run faster into the clinic to get away from the hateful guys outside (the women see them as hateful, anyway)? How many more go to another clinic or private doctor? How many people witness this kind of treatment, & then become escorts at the clinic? I dislike this kind of treatment because it makes pro-lifers looks bad AND, more importantly, hurts our cause.
Once again, well said. Lashing out in anger doesn’t save lives; it hinders the pro-life movement in
many ways.
Praying the rosary certainly does not disgust me; it is the absence of (and more severely here) the condemnation of action in the face of murder that disgusts me.
Once again, very telling that your initial reaction is that “praying the rosary” does not constitute action, while yelling does. Seriously, now: which is likely to be more powerful?
If we don’t approach this prayerfully - and that
doesn’t mean “weakly” - then we will lose. Period.
What disgusts me is the notion that it is wrong for us to do anything to try to stop murder from happening because it might hurt someone’s feelings a little bit.
We don’t oppose certain tactics because they “hurt someone’s feelings.” We oppose them because - for all the reasons mmm pointed out in the above quote - they
hinder our goal of saving lives. So please, if you care about unborn children, just stop.