Currently, in the news a man from Austria fathered 7 children with his own daughter. My God its deplorable. I can understand terminating one of those pregnancies.
I can’t even comprehend that, it’s so disgusting. But at least as disgusting as sevenfold incest is that those children’s manner of conception removes their very
right to live. They are
people like anyone else, and their right to live should
not be questioned. It’s a very slippery slope you’re on here. If we are allowed to define which kinds of people are disposable (in this case, according to you, those conceived by incest), then what’s next?
Nope. Just cold hard reality.
We have people with experience on this thread saying that yelling can work, and is beneficial, under some circumstances.
Then I suppose we should get more specific. Of course I’m not opposed to direct communication with women entering abortion clinics, but I also have people with experience that I know (I already mentioned her in my previous reply) who have found far more effective ways to save lives. Also:
I will trust that over the wishy washy notion that “yelling will only make them feel intimidated.”
First of all, if a person is used to yelling like that as a part of this kind of work, then I’d seriously question in the first place their ability to assess the results of their tactics.
And sometimes people
are wishy-washy. It doesn’t matter if your intention isn’t to intimidate - although others in this thread on your side (like leftistdestroye) apparently relish the opportunity to intimidate them - they
will in all likelihood feel intimidated. You seem averse to considering the subjectivity inherent in the situation, but we
have to, because it is
relevant, and
lives are at stake.
All the more reason to let her know on her way in that she is indeed on her way to murder a baby! If physical distance or other factors means yelling is the only way to get that fact across, so be it!
If only it were that easy. “Oh, by the way, you do know that you’re about to murder your child, right?”
“Oh, really? Dang, I didn’t know that! Guess I just kind of missed that somehow. Well, I’m not having an abortion now. Thanks, bye!”
Somehow that doesn’t seem realistic to me.
Don’t badger me with semantics; you know what I mean. I believe in the power of the rosary as much as any Catholic.
I believe you. Still, I don’t think it was just a matter of semantics. Look at what you typed:
Praying the rosary certainly does not disgust me; it is the absence of (and more severely here) the condemnation of action in the face of murder that disgusts me.
I don’t think the implication of that sentence is just a matter of semantics (nor do I assume that it is indicative of your overall view, however).
I wonder if you have any proven methods that are effective when the amiable approach has failed and she is literally 3 steps from the door and maintaining her momentum towards it… (rhetorical)
I wonder if you have a backup plan for what happens after yelling has failed, lives have been lost, and more hearts have been hardened against life. (rhetorical)
Again I just want to reiterate something: Hateful behavior is never under any circumstances justifiable. But a shout is not an intrinsically hateful act.
Absolutely. I don’t mean to imply that you think hateful behavior is acceptable (although I wish I could say the same for all others on your side in this thread); you clearly don’t. And of course I acknowledge that a shout is
not intrinsically hateful.
But the
fact is that if a woman entering an abortion clinic is scared and/or ignorant, she
will in all likelihood perceive it that way. I’ve heard a man yell at an escort - NOT the woman, but listen to this - “I hope you wash the blood off your hands before you go home and kiss your children and eat dinner tonight.”
Now, does that escort deserve that condemnation? I don’t deny it at all. Did hearing that scare the woman he was escorting, make her a little frightened of us pro-lifers on the sidewalk? I can’t imagine it wouldn’t.
So it doesn’t matter if the act itself of yelling is
objectively hateful;
if it is perceived as hateful, that only hinders the goal of
actively saving lives.
And as this thread shows, some people - again, clearly
not you, judging from your posts - don’t even do it to save lives, but just to vent. And I understand that completely, but when I find myself upset about the evils of abortion, the doorstep of an abortion clinic is
not the place to be.
And the way such yelling will be
perceived is also relevant in another way: remember that we also want to get abortion in this country outlawed. The secular media often perpetuates stereotypes of pro-lifers as mean, nasty, yelling, hateful people. Is it true?
Of course not. But inadvertently giving them ammo for their propoganda will make it harder and harder to get abortion outlawed. After all, what politician wants to listen to people regarded as monsters?
So it’s not that I’m concerned with our
reputation for its own sake, or with always being
nice. Rather, it’s that these tactics hinder the goal of saving innocent unborn lives.
How about saying this to the face of the child of God that was born from one of these pregnancies?
“You should have been murdered.”
Wake up. Abortion is evil. It cannot be justified.
Well put, Danny.