I was responding more to the chart, most of the details of which I would not classify as bullying.
I have one more suggestion: there is a book a lot of libraries have called “The Sociopath Next Door.” I’m not suggesting you put that label on her, but consider the advice of the author and I think it fits, particularly doing whatever you can to STAY OFF OF HER RADAR because this woman has a demonstrated lack of integrity and a habit of spitefulness. She doesn’t have to qualify as a true sociopath to qualify as someone you would do well to give wide berth. Don’t fear her, but just stay clear of her as much as you can. Do not try to repair the relationship; she has been very clear that she does not want one and will do what she can to punish your attempts in that direction.This is useful. Thank you very much. The problem is she pretends she didn’t say it.
Very inexpensive, though. Don’t have to bill insurance.We’re not therapists or counselors. That’s not our job.
Yes. There is also no shame in looking at an issue you’re having and admiting that your efforts to cope with it aren’t working too well. If your quality of life is suffering as much as the OP says hers is, it is not a bad idea to start turning over some stones that one has not tried yet. Asking a broader audience if your take on the situation is reasonable is a start. It is free advice; it is worth what she’s paid for it. Still, she has gotten a broad range of responses from people who will never know who she is which might give her an idea of the broad range of responses she might get if she were to talk to co-workers about this. She might want to talk to someone who does work coaching professionally. There are professionals out there besides psychotherapists.Even though we aren’t professionals, each person reading the answers can apply some of it to their faith. It could possibly strengthen it
Have you had a run in with her before, or taken an issue concerning her to HR or your bossHer behavior is hurtful and Human Resources didn’t do anything nor my boss (regarding something she did before)
I don’t understand that commentMy boss said before we should all sit with HR but I said I would have to think on it