Peace be with you!
We continue by His Grace.
To be continued, if the Lord wills.
In Love,
We continue by His Grace.

Psalm45:9:do not meet those five questions asked by the Holy Church of Christ. Let’s see each question:
“Thus there was great distress in Israel, such as had not been since the time that prophets ceased to appear among them.” ( 1 Maccabees 9:27 )
- Were they written by a prophet of God?
No, they are not written by a prophet of God, as we read in those books themselves!
ONLY a prophet of God ( an inspired man of God ) can speak the Word of God! SCRIPTURAL inspiration ceased in Israel ( as Maccabees also testifies ) from the last prophet until Jesus Christ, just like it ceased after the last Apostle! So no one was able to write Scripture since the time of the last prophet until Jesus Christ, just as you can’t write now Scripture even if you are inspired by God! Didn’t I ask you why we can’t add our hymns to the Scripture? What did you answer? You said:Of course, he is referring to the people whom God the Father spoke to. Divine Revelation did not cease until the death of the Last Apostle. It does not imply that God the Holy Spirit was not working in God’s chosen people.
So those who wrote Maccabees couldn’t write the divine truth. They could only write ABOUT the divine truth!!!In one case the author was inspiried by the Holy Spirit to reveal divine truth, in the author instance the author is inspired by the Holy Spirit to write about revealed divine truth, just like the writings of the Church Fathers.

Psalm45:9:If the prophets ceased to appear in Israel long before these lines were written, then who wrote these lines??? Of course, NOT a prophet of God!
As we saw, the Holy Spirit writes through the prophets ( inspired men of God ). The Holy Spirit doesn’t write a book in heaven and then throw it to the earth, as Muslims believe about their Qur’an!The Holy Spirit did!
To be continued, if the Lord wills.
In Love,