Peace be with you!
We continue by His Grace.
Read ONE of those human passages that tell you clearly that you can earn Salvation by money:
"almsgiving delivers from death, and it will purge away every sin. Those who perform deeds of charity and of righteousness will have fulness of life"
To be continued in the next reply, if the Lord wills.
In Love,
We continue by His Grace.
Psalm45:9:YAQUBOS said:* As for the salvation by works, we read it in Tobit 12:9 ( and many other passages of those wrong human writings )!*
So those human writings are saying something Christians do NOT believe. For Christians believe the Word of God.No one can ever earn his or her way to Heaven by good works this is blasphemous. It is what I told you before; we are saved by God’s grace, which continues through faith with good works. This is what the St. Raphael the Archangel was saying, faith with good works.
Psalm45:9:YAQUBOS said:* They say you can have salvation by your money!!!"*
Just as you say: “It is blasphemous”. That’s why I am telling you that they seriously contradict the Word of God!I don’t know where the Deuterocanonicals say that. It is blasphemous, no one can buy their way to Heaven.
Read ONE of those human passages that tell you clearly that you can earn Salvation by money:
"almsgiving delivers from death, and it will purge away every sin. Those who perform deeds of charity and of righteousness will have fulness of life"
Psalm45:9:YAQUBOS said:* Esther meets those standards. Esther doesn’t have to tell you that it is inspired, because it is written in a prophetic era, and it doesn’t deny being written by a prophet or man of God! While Maccabees clearly denies being written by a man of God who has prophetic inspiration! For the inspiration of the Spirit ceased in Israel from the last prophet until the Son of God came!*
The five points of the DIVINE CANON tell you this! IN THE TIME OF ESTHER, the People of God would not accept Esther as DIVINE Book if it didn’t meet the DIVINE CANON. And there were INSPIRED prophets in the days of Esther who could recognize what is inspired and what is not! As they didn’t make opposition to the Book of Esther as you are doing now, and as they have more authority than you have ( because they are INSPIRED ), so Esther is clearly WORD OF GOD. And Jesus Christ, our LORD, didn’t tell his disciples: “Why are you accepting Esther as Word of God? You shouldn’t!”I don’t see where the Bible says, “In order for a book to be Divine Inspired, it must be written while there is a prophet.”
To be continued in the next reply, if the Lord wills.
In Love,