Pax Vobis Cvm!
My answer is correct.

No it does not, it states that God the Father was not speaking directly to anyone. It does not say that God the Holy Spirit was not working. There is the miracle of the oil that the Jews commemorate at Hanukah, as did our Lord. There is the Divine intervention of the Angels at the Temple and the entire Maccabean revolt would not have been successful if God was not working in Israel.ONLY a prophet of God ( an inspired man of God ) can speak the Word of God! SCRIPTURAL inspiration ceased in Israel ( as Maccabees also testifies )

Didn’t I ask you why we can’t add our hymns to the Scripture? What did you answer? You said:from the last prophet until Jesus Christ, just like it ceased after the last Apostle! So no one was able to write Scripture since the time of the last prophet until Jesus Christ, just as you can’t write now Scripture even if you are inspired by God!
My answer is correct.

That implies that Divine Revelation ceased before Christ came, meaning Jesus is not the Christ!!! HERESY!!!So those who wrote Maccabees couldn’t write the divine truth. They could only write ABOUT the divine truth!!!

Esther is a prophetess? The author of 1 & 2 Chronicles is a prophet?As we saw, the Holy Spirit writes through the prophets ( inspired men of God ).

AMEN! The Holy Spirit in the Bishops determined which writings are scripture!The Holy Spirit doesn’t write a book in heaven and then throw it to the earth, as Muslims believe about their Qur’an