Biden reaches out to Catholics like himself, embracing a key group in big 2020 states

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compulsory military or peace corps service, mandatory study of the Constitution
all able-bodied citizens required to mentor a student or visit an elder in a rest home or serve meals at homeless shelters, etc
I say that because you would have to use threats to force people to do these things

This is a major problem in america today. People are too willing to force people to do things
Including things like carry a baby 9 months until birth?
More like not murder theur babies, before or after birth.
I know. Still it is forcing. So some forcing to do things is a good thing, like driving on the right side of the road and picking up after your dog. So when people say “there is too much forcing” what they really mean is “I want there to be forcing, but only for the things I think should be forced.”
I’d only get three votes: Ron Paul, Rand Paul and mine.
Libertarians? They would have to back euthanasia, ss marriage and possibly abortion to be consistent. Ron Paul has a documented history of race-baiting. He would support you?
so you dont understand libertarianism, I can not do violence against another person. That child is a person.
so you dont understand libertarianism, I can not do violence against another person. That child is a person.
I understand libertarianism. I just don’t agree with it. But just to clarify, I do think a women should be forced to carry her baby until it can be safely delivered, and I also think that some form of public service, like the kind outlined by @Diaconia, should also be forced. Many nations do this, and it is usually the nations with the strongest sense of patriotism for their country.
so you dont understand libertarianism,
I do understand libertarianism. Those folks believe society should be run like a toll road. Their view (like those of Jefferson) became anachronistic with the industrial revolution.
It is not forcing the woman to carry a child til birth. She is merely prohibited from killing any child in her womb.

If she does not want to carry a child, there is a simple and inexpensive way to avoid doing so…
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It is not forcing the woman to carry a child til birth. She is merely prohibited from killing any child in her womb.
It is the same thing. If she can’t remove the child, she is forced to carry it, which I agree with.
If she does not want to carry a child, there is a simple and inexpensive way to avoid doing so…
Not once she is pregnant.
Why stop with some form of public service? Why not force them where to live, the jobs they have, the food they are allowed to eat? This can go on and on and on. Where on the scale from 0% to 100% government are you willing to say, that is enough?

This is why creating rules as to what government cant do to you is so much better than rules that what government can do to you.
Why stop with some form of public service? Why not force them where to live, the jobs they have, the food they are allowed to eat? This can go on and on and on. Where on the scale from 0% to 100% government are you willing to say, that is enough?
This is a tired old argument that is always a fallacy. It the fallacy of the slippery slope. It says that every slope is slippery, and once you go the least little bit down that road, there is no limit to how far you will go. That this is a fallacy is obvious from all the paths we go down only part way and generally do not go to extremes. For example, alcohol goes well with many foods when consumed in moderation. Most people do not become alcoholics. A moderate amount of exercise is good for health. But overdoing it can harm a person. Most people do not overdo it. Watching a movie is fun. But if you watch movies all your life you will not live a very complete life. Most people do not watch movies all their life. Life (and law) is full of continuums where some arbitrary limit stands as “reasonable”, even if there is some disagreement over exactly where that “reasonable” limit is. Taxes are necessary to fund the government. Public service is just one more example. Legislators draw arbitrary limits in law all the time. There is no reason to think they would not draw reasonable arbitrary limits on mandatory public service, so as to make it not too intrusive.
This is why creating rules as to what government cant do to you is so much better than rules that what government can do to you.
Even those rules have reasonable limits. Approaching those limits from above rather than below does not make it any easier.
Biden reaching out…

I know nothing of Murphy nor do I feel any urge to go and look up such as may be available. If Murphy is a Catholic, then he should know why Joe gets called on the carpet about his Catholicism.

It does not seem correct to call him a CINO; it would appear more appropriate to call him a cafeteria Catholic, picking and choosing those items he wishes to accept (such as having a private Mass) and rejecting those he chooses to make subservient to his political ends (abortion, stem cell research, suggesting an 8 year old child should have access to powerful drugs because the child, like many other children that age and older, do not have a clear understanding of their sexuality).

It may have occurred since Murphy was asked to arrange the Mass; but Joe has had two bishops tell him to not present himself for Communion. Maybe Murphy understands what that means, or maybe he is unaware of it. Murphy may be Catholic, at which point he may also be a cafeteria Catholic or he may be a poorly catechized Catholic. Or it may be he is not Catholic, at which point he would have little understanding or the Catholic faith.
The Holy Spirit will not allow error to be taught. That doesn’t mean everything out of the vicar’s mouth is infallible. But Official Teachings are. A CINO is someone who rejects any of the official teachings of the Church.
A huge problem today, which is the source of much confusion, is the word “official” in your post. The evil one has succeeded in throwing MUCH dust in the air to obscure the truth that, as you rightly say, "The Holy Spirit will not allow error to be taught. "

The evil one delights when error is taught in one way or another, by men wearing the garments of the Church, and appearing on the surface to be “speaking officially.”

Jesus said it right:
Mt 23:2 "The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat;
Mt 23:3 so practice and observe whatever they tell you, but not what they do; for they preach, but do not practice.
Mt 23:4 They bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with their finger.
Mt 23:5 They do all their deeds to be seen by men; for they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long,
Mt 23:6 and they love the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues,
Mt 23:7 and salutations in the market places, and being called rabbi by men.
When, and as long as, they are sitting in Truth “on the chair of Moses” - or the chair of Peter - then yes, that is “official”. When they are in Truth NOT speaking divine revelation but merely their own opinions, then those opinions must be judged in the Spirit by those listening, and decided for or against as opinions or suggestions. We must obey God and not men, no matter what clothes they wear.

But these days, there is much confusion concerning what is of the Faith, and what is the non-infallible “prudential” judgment of clergy of whatever rank.
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Imagine calling yourself Catholic and still think that abortion is perfectly fine and force the general public to pay for it…
Yeah. Official…meaning ‘official’. No, not everything out of a clergy’s mouth. The official teaching authority of the Church…the bishops IN UNION with the pope. Not some rogue bishop saying this or that. Not some spontaneous comment during an airplane interview…thanks for clarifying.
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