Biden reaches out to Catholics like himself, embracing a key group in big 2020 states

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I think it’s pretty telling if the 70% of Catholics who don’t really practice the faith are voting for Biden. I think we all need to pray and fast for our country and our church…and our families.
70% of Catholics are heretics. Anyone who thinks it isn’t a mortal sin to miss Sunday Mass (without a valid excuse) is a heretic.
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That’s a cool piece of info! I must admit the Jesuits scare me. It worries me what they say and promote sometimes when, to me, it clearly goes against Church teaching (especially things I see at Jesuit Universities).
he said that the TV show “Will and Grace” changed his mind on same sex marriage
I remember when he said that. It was astonishing.

All he needed to throw over his theology was a bunch of fictional characters goofing around on the idiot box.

And he was a grown up!
They’re not scary. They do a lot of good things. Sometimes they go down a wrong track. When that happens, their superior needs to reign them in. If he doesn’t, then the Pope needs to do it.

I like the Jesuits, we need the Jesuits, but they also need to be kept on a tight leash.
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As I said before, as Vice President, Joe Biden was under NO obligation to marry anyone. He CHOOSE to do this and to publically DEFY the Catholic Church.
Yep, he is a sinner, just like everyone else.

There are no Catholics who don’t defy the Church in some way or another. Whether or not it is public isn’t really the issue.

As far as the scandal goes, yes, it does create scandal, but then again there is plenty of scandal permitted in the Church due to any number of issues. The Church itself is not innocent of scandal, whether recently or in her history.

Man, and anything man controls is subject to being corrupted. Just the nature of things.
But there’s also a difference between falling in a moment of weakness, and making deliberate choices to openly defy your moral code.
So it doesn’t matter what the law of the land is, all Catholics must put the divine law before human law.
Then I guess most every Catholic politician can call themselves a CINO then, because a whole slew of laws in this country go against divine law, not just abortion.

I know the reply will be abortion is the most important, but it is not exclusive.
I have to be honest, I’m not sure I know of any Catholics in NATIONAL politics who are not heretical in one way or another except Judge Amy Coney Barrett (but she’s not a politician). {Plus, I hear that Justice Clarence Thomas is now very devout too - he’s a convert.}

However, it is EASIER to be a devout, orthodox Catholic in the Republican Party, as the Republican Party does not EXCEPT Catholics to defy any of the Church’s teachings.

A Catholic politician in the Republican Party can be against the death penalty, and be open to fair immigration, etc. without being disowned by the Republican Party.

However, one of the last pro-life Democrats in the House of Representatives has been primaried out of office solely due to the abortion issue.
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Yes their work in education specifically has been a great good in society. It just worries me that priests would need to be reigned in. If I was part of a group that the Pope needed to reign in I would be very weary of that group. You know what I mean?
Priests should not serve in politics. Agreed.

But not just because of the abortion issue.
The abortion issue is why St. John Paul II made the rule. There was a priest or two in the Democratic Party serving in the House of Representatives, who was Pro Choice and he was one of several priests who convinced Catholic Democrats (like Biden) that it was OK to be Pro Choice politically.

While there surely was other reasons for JPII to ban priests from holding public office, this was the catalyst.
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He used to talk about the Nuremberg trials. I was under the impression he had been there doing work in some capacity.

Edited to add, I found one of his old campaign posters online. Typical of the era he was running in.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
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The Salesian priest Jean Aristide was the President of Haiti, as well.

He was later laicized and married.

He got sideways with the Vatican for both running for office and for teaching Liberation Theology.

I’m at lunch, so I don’t have my library with me, but there is a Canon which prohibits clerics from running for office, maybe 285 or so. There’s another following Canon that excepts deacons from the previous one.

Deacon Christopher
Yep, he is a sinner, just like everyone else.

There are no Catholics who don’t defy the Church in some way or another. Whether or not it is public isn’t really the issue.
Actually, whether it’s public or not IS an issue.

And I don’t defy the Church at all. When I sin, I’m not defying the Church because I’m sorry about it and I go to confession for forgiveness and the Graces needed to avoid that sin in the future.

There is a HUGE difference between failing to live up to Catholic teachings and refusing to try.

Joe Biden PUBLICLY defies the Church by going against Church teachings and then pretending publicly to be a devout Catholic. Because if he was a devout Catholic, he would NOT be pro Choice - period.

BTW - Nancy is worse, as she has publicly bashed the clergy from time to time & is on record (during a interview for a book) saying that she never wanted to be a nun because she would have rather been a priest.
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70% of Catholics are heretics. Anyone who thinks it isn’t a mortal sin to miss Sunday Mass is a heretic.
Just because they may not go to Mass every Sunday doesn’t mean they don’t believe it isn’t required or a mortal sin. They may simply choose to sin. Not really any different than a Catholic who does attend Mass every week and chooses to sin in other ways.

Certainly everyone has made the joke about CME Catholics, Christmas, Mothers Day and Easter.

Or the saying about European men going to Mass 3 times during their life, at Baptism, their Wedding and their Funeral.
I pray for Biden. He is nearing what many would consider the years before departure. I pray for his soul that he may repent before his actual departure.
70% of Catholics are heretics. Anyone who thinks it isn’t a mortal sin to miss Sunday Mass is a heretic.
Just because they may not go to Mass every Sunday doesn’t mean they don’t believe it isn’t required or a mortal sin. They may simply choose to sin. Not really any different than a Catholic who does attend Mass every week and chooses to sin in other ways.

Certainly everyone has made the joke about CME Catholics, Christmas, Mothers Day and Easter.

Or the saying about European men going to Mass 3 times during their life, at Baptism, their Wedding and their Funeral.
Something tells me that if you were to poll the vast majority of those people (I used to be one of them) they have NO idea that missing mass without a valid excuse is a mortal sin.

And the ones that do know that the Church teaches that will tell you that the Church is wrong about that.

Over the years, I have heard many people say:
  • I don’t care what the Church says, God is not going to send someone to hell for skipping Mass.
  • Missing Mass on Sunday isn’t a mortal sin, I went to Catholic School from K-12 and to a Catholic College and no one ever told me that once!
  • No, that was only before Vatican II. After Vatican II, it’s no longer a sin to miss Mass.
  • My parents and CCD teachers never taught me that.
  • It’s not a mortal sin, it’s only venial sin.
  • etc…
I’ve heard all of the above and I’m sure I’ve heard others that I’m forgetting too.
is on record (during a interview for a book) saying that she never wanted to be a nun because she would have rather been a priest.
I’m no fan of Nancy, but I felt the same way and have said so “out loud” numerous times.
I refrain from discussing it on this forum because it tends to set people off.
I have long ago accepted that God does not want me or any other women being priests, so being a priest is right out.
At the time Nancy and I were having these thoughts, Pope JPII had not yet issued his pronouncement, and things weren’t so clear. Catholic newspapers would print articles and even jokes about women priests. I still have one cartoon about it that my mother cut out to give to me.

As for being a nun in that era, being a nun was basically being an activist. To the extent there were any nuns still wearing habits or praying who weren’t at least 75 years old, we didn’t get to see them.

There are a lot of reasons to dislike Nancy, primarily her support of abortion, that are way more important than the fact that she had some ideas that a lot of us had in a different era.
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is on record (during a interview for a book) saying that she never wanted to be a nun because she would have rather been a priest.
I’m no fan of Nancy, but I felt the same way and have said so “out loud” numerous times.
I refrain from discussing it on this forum because it tends to set people off.
I have long ago accepted that God does not want me or any other women being priests, so being a priest is right out.
At the time Nancy and I were having these thoughts, Pope JPII had not yet issued his pronouncement, and things weren’t so clear. Catholic newspapers would print articles and even jokes about women priests. I still have one cartoon about it that my mother cut out to give to me.

There are a lot of reasons to dislike Nancy, primarily her support of abortion, that are way more important than the fact that she had some ideas that a lot of us had in a different era.
OK, you have a valid point.

I guess it’s better to focus on how Nancy says her Catholic faith is why she’s pro-abortion and that her Catholic faith is why she supports same-sex marriage
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For the Catholics like me, the notion you’d be traveling on a regular Sunday and go to those lengths, it’s a measure of a guy’s true faith,” Murphy said. “It’s a quiet faith. It’s a genuine faith. He’s not wearing it on his sleeve. Which makes it, in my opinion, even more impressive.”
“He’s not wearing it on his sleeve”
He’s not wearing it on his sleeve, is he?
Yes, he is. The title is literally Biden reaches out to Catholics and he does this in order to get their vote which is one of the worst reasons to wear it.
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