Bishop meeting to avoid gay issue

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Looks like the guidelines from 1961 are still in effect.

Unfortunately, the Bishop’s inactions further reinforce my concern that homosexual deviancy is still heavily integrated in the dioceses and among the Bishops and they are still playing the game of how to get away with things rather than owning up to them. Meanwhile, in diocese after diocese, the money of generations of faithful Catholics goes out the door.

I think our only course of action may be to rise up the remnant to implore Rome to take more expedient ane effective action.
The money is just a small part of it. What do we think of the harm it is doing in the eyes of the world not to mention the faith of our children who hear of these things?:banghead:

I agree, but if you were a Bishop with SSA, would you not likely have compassion for your Priests who have the same? This has been going on for so long that I fear a decent percentage of Bishops might be in that state.
Lisa N:
Yes I understand that. But they of all should know that having SSA does not mean you engage in homosexual activity.
I really doubt there are that many chaste male avowed homosexuals out there. Sorry if this bursts some preconcieved idea out there amongst ‘breeders’.
Exactly. They refuse to address the issue for what reason?
Need you ask?

We have already had a couple of bishops “outed” for being less than chaste with boys and young men. There is no particularly cogent reason to believe that the bishops are not demographicaly similar to those they supervise and from whose ranks they come - priests.

The statistics are all over the map, from a low of 20% to as high an estimate of 80% of priests being homosexual in inclination, and if the demographics come even close to paralelling that, why would we not expect that, in order to avoid scandal (and the possible - or probable - threat of “outing” to derail or backmail the issue) and to deflect the issue until it would hopefully simmer down, they would stick this so far on the back burner it could freeze?
What are parents who would like to encourage vocations supposed to do with this information? How many parents would want to see their son(s) join a gay club?
Lisa N:
Yes I understand that. But they of all should know that having SSA does not mean you engage in homosexual activity. IOW if there are homosexual priests who are chaste they should want to eradicate those who are making their lives even more difficult. If they are not chaste they should leave.

Lisa N
I agree with you and the issue of homosexuality in the priesthood needs to be faced. Denying problems only makes them worse.😦
What are parents who would like to encourage vocations supposed to do with this information? How many parents would want to see their son(s) join a gay club?
Until the Church comes to grips with the problem, realistically. I wouldn’t recommend it.
We are faced with a huge problem here. Part of the problem is that definitions have been changed. Prior to the current age, homosexuals were defined by what they do, not by what they are.

I wish we could look into the real significance of this and whether the data that supports the theory that homosexuality is innate has any validity.Self-reporting of feelings in studies has problems that pose problems as to validity.

I have one other question:
If homosexuality is supposed to be innate, why do so many claim to be bisexual?

No matter how this debate turns out, the Catholic Chuch’s teaching about chastity is right and good. This provides the glue that nourishes a good society which nourishes our children.
New vocations will continue to be hard to get if we do not provide a clean environment.
It is waaaay past time for them to openly and honestly address this issue. The problem exists and isn’t going away until they make it go away. I would put this inaction in the same general category as moving problem priests around. Look at the end result of that!
I agree and I think they will all pay dearly for this. Or **WE **will all pay dearly for this.
This is very sad. They aren´t solving the problems, we need better people and more vocations. This isn´t the way. This is very sad.

I agree, but if you were a Bishop with SSA, would you not likely have compassion for your Priests who have the same? This has been going on for so long that I fear a decent percentage of Bishops might be in that state.
I don’t think ‘compassion’ is the right word for hiding unchaste homosexual priests. I think it is being complicit in sin and in cases where such priests preyed on young men, being complicit in a crime.

I am not talking about going through the entire Catholic priesthood and trying to ferret out any with SSA. But I do think they need to particularly focus on seminaries and eradicate the lavender mafia and the harassing of orthodox men. Plus those priests who are defying the Church, speaking out to normalize or support homosexual behavior, or engaged in same need to be brought up short.

I am quite sure there are bishops with SSA. They need to face their problem with strength and purpose and remain chaste. They need to discourage ANY overt homosexuality in the priesthood. No little boyz clubs, no wink and nod as Father Pederast spends a weekend with his lover. Wasn’t there something they picked up in that comment about carrying your cross?

Lisa N

I am in complete agreement with everything you said. I suppose I am just saying that we need to be realistic. Say the numbers are right and 25-50% of the Priests have SSA. Well, that means that it is just as likely that 25-50% of the Bishops have SSA. Since for the last thrity years the American clergy has done nothing but embrace people with homosexuality, how can we realistically think that our Bishops will do anything today? It is going to take Divine help, imo, this task is beyond us without God’s help. The Bishops are not likely to go after men that have the same disorder they have, God will have to show them they MUST do it. Prayer is much needed.

I am in complete agreement with everything you said. I suppose I am just saying that we need to be realistic. Say the numbers are right and 25-50% of the Priests have SSA. Well, that means that it is just as likely that 25-50% of the Bishops have SSA. Since for the last thrity years the American clergy has done nothing but embrace people with homosexuality, how can we realistically think that our Bishops will do anything today? It is going to take Divine help, imo, this task is beyond us without God’s help. The Bishops are not likely to go after men that have the same disorder they have, God will have to show them they MUST do it. Prayer is much needed.
Absolutely. We cannot do it alone. OTOH I think the first task is to admit that homosexuality is a problem in the priesthood. They keep ignoring the elephant in the living room although he’s clearly not housebroken and has fouled his own nest horribly. Once they admit that there are homosexual priests (we will all reply ‘do ya think?’ when this revelation occurs) they should formulate a plan to deal with the issue. If something like Courage works in the lay population, why not offer it (confidentially of course) to priests who are sincere about giving this up.

I don’t see why the Bishops will not face the issue. Regardless of their own sexual issues, the only way to solve a problem is to admit it exists and then address it appropriately. Further I think it will benefit the Church by telling the public that the problem is NOT pedophelia but is homosexuality. The public thinks priests molested six year olds. That perception needs to be eradicated.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
I don’t see why the Bishops will not face the issue.
Several possible reasons for that immediately come to mind:
  1. The bishops themselves are divided on the issue. Some want to and some don’t want to. I suspect as is their usual wont, each bishops says, “you can’t tell me what to do in my diocese”.
  2. It would take a massive consultation with Rome to decide on the final consequences were the following situations to occur…
A) What about those who are and are already ordained. Nothing has been said or proven about them. What do you do with them?

B) What if some slip through the system and say a decade from now, we find out we hve ordained them? What do you do with them? What then is the consequences of their administration of the sacraments if their ordinations are declared invalid? How do people go to confession to someone and then find out 10 years later, he was invalidly ordained?

C) After the scandals in a couple of dioceses, I have to add, and what about bishops in the same position themselves?

While this appears to be a simple position to take or not to take, in reality is opens up a myriad of other questions, which concern canon law, pastoral ministry and legal ramifications.

MYO is they don’t want to even touch it, they are under a new pope, they will wait and see what “indicators” they get that Rome wants to act, or is urging them to do so. And perhaps are hoping that the whole thing will just “go away”.

Gays do not believe they have a disorder, they are in complete denial to the point of harming their own lives. It is not surprise that gay Bishops would act the same way–they will remain in complete denial until God finds a way to change their hearts.

Gays do not believe they have a disorder, they are in complete denial to the point of harming their own lives. It is not surprise that gay Bishops would act the same way–they will remain in complete denial until God finds a way to change their hearts.
Exactly my point. I don’t think it’s mere coincidence that the Bishops do not lay the abuse scandal at the feet of normalization of homosexuality. Perhaps someone’s ox is being gored?

Lisa N
Maybe the US Bishops are aware that a larger remedy for the homosexual priesthood will be coming down the tube soon thus they don’t feel they need to include it in their meeting this time around.
While this appears to be a simple position to take or not to take, in reality is opens up a myriad of other questions, which concern canon law, pastoral ministry and legal ramifications.
Maybe it is being seen as too complicated when it is not. What do you think about :
  1. Stating that the Church acknowledges that the abusive priests were predatory homosexuals and NOT pedophiles.
  2. State that the policy of not ordaining homosexuals which is what forty years old? will be upheld.
  3. Investigate seminaries and applicants to be sure orthodox men are not being screened our scared out by the Lavender Mafia
  4. Priests would be made aware of helping services to overcome SSA that would be offered on a completely confidential basis.
I am not talking a witchhunt or trying to figure out who is or who isn’t a homosexual (active or not). I also think it would be very helpful if the public understood the real nature of the abuse. I assure you Joe Schmoe from Idaho thinks priests were terrorizing little kids. Now while I realize terrorizing teens is just as reprehensible, it is not seen in the same light as pedohelia.

What do you think is the reason they keep hiding something that would be to their benefit?

Lisa N
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