The reports came much later. The abuse spiked in the 60s.Did the incidence of homosexual abuse spike in the 60’s, or did the reports of those incidents spke in the 60’s?
That someone thinks they are called does not mean they are called. The radical feminists also claim God is calling them to be priestesses. One can save their soul without being a priest.It may seem like hair splitting to some, but did anyone ever think that we have groups like the rainbow sash movement because they feel their very existance as human beings and children of God is being challenged by otherwise well-informed Catholics?
If you prevent men who struggle with homosexuality and are chaste from being priests or religious, then you just might be banning them from the kind of life- the focus on prayer and spirituality and the Sacraments- that will help save their souls.
The priesthood isn’t only a vocation of service to others- it is something to which God calls certain people, knowing that they themselves would grow in holiness better in that state of life- while at the same time guiding others.
How will we increase vocations if young men see the priesthood as a “gay” vocation?