There are lots of very promiscuous heterosexual men and women too. You don’t have specific cruising spots for heterosexuals as you do for homosexuals (well, in some places you do), because homosexuals are a minority (I don’t approve of their behavior, so I’m sorry if this sounds like I’m equating them with black people or hispanics)…
Again you are trying to equate anecdotal information with statistics. Check out some of the studies and you will see that homosexuals are far more promiscuous than heterosexuals. Think about it, since for them sex has no procreative element and no real benefit in being monogamous or chaste, it’s ‘the more the merrier.’ AIDS did not spread across this country through married people catching it from toilet seats.
If people are ashamed of themselves for something, they tend to think others see it too, and even if they don’t know what it is, they tend to think others see them as bad as they are, or that they simply don’t know them well enough…
And this is my problem because? IOW how someone feels about themself may be neither rational nor a result of outside forces.
Most people assume that no homosexual is chaste- many people who are chaste choose not to tell anyone about their struggle. It is important to clearly make the distinction known, so that those who struggle with homosexuality know they are just as valuable to God as one who does not struggle with homosexuality…
Since statistically homosexuals are more promiscuous, thinking that chaste behavior is unusual does not seem that irrational. I am sure that there are many chaste homosexuals and in fact probably many chaste homosexual priests. However their struggle should not be public knowledge. It is not my business. This is one of those things about the homosexual community I cannot fathom, the desire to ‘spill their guts’ on every occasion. Frankly I am not the slightest bit interested.
Did the incidence of homosexual abuse spike in the 60’s, or did the reports of those incidents spke in the 60’s?.
Presumably both. The incidence increased dramatically and the Jay report states that 75% of the incidents occurred between l960 and l984. I believe that were the number of abusive priests continuing to increase, there would have been higher numbers reported in the l990s when the door was open.
It may seem like hair splitting to some, but did anyone ever think that we have groups like the rainbow sash movement because they feel their very existance as human beings and children of God is being challenged by otherwise well-informed Catholics?.
The Church’s position on homosexuality is clear, compassionate and speaks the truth. The reality is the Rainbow Sash group wants to dispute the teachings, commit sinful behavior and STILL be considered faithful Catholics. Doesn’t work that way. Show me an organization of CHASTE homosexuals who is denied association or demeaned? The problem is that they do not accept the Church’s teachings because it interferes with their fun. They want the CHURCH to change it’s teachings so they can have their cake and eat it too.
If you prevent men who struggle with homosexuality and are chaste from being priests or religious, then you just might be banning them from the kind of life- the focus on prayer and spirituality and the Sacraments- that will help save their souls…
Did I ever say that chaste and holy people of any sexual orientation should be banned or thrown out? The Church does have a statement about not ordaining homosexuals but that does indicate an ACTIVE homosexual doesn’t it? We are not talking about chaste homosexuals, they aren’t the once who preyed on the young men.
The priesthood isn’t only a vocation of service to others- it is something to which God calls certain people, knowing that they themselves would grow in holiness better in that state of life- while at the same time guiding others.
You can’t go into the priesthood hoping it will fix what ails you. Seminarians must be of sound mind and not fighting any mental health issues whether it’s alcoholism, addiction, homosexuality, depression, or bipolar disease. The candidate should deal with his struggles before becoming a priest, not afterward. A priest’s life is so demanding that a fragile man is not going to serve God or his parish.
Lisa N