I don\t think it is self explanatory otherwise why is this being done by the Catholic authorities?Why is supporting civil-unions for same-sex couples not good? Is that not self explanatory?
I don\t think it is self explanatory otherwise why is this being done by the Catholic authorities?Why is supporting civil-unions for same-sex couples not good? Is that not self explanatory?
Bingo… the CDC clearly laid out the development of doctrine on this issue… People are of course free to reject the teaching, but you would be against the Church’s teaching. This much is plainThis is just plain wrong - a formal change to the Catechism is neither a “comment” or a “prudential judgment.”
https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2018/08/02/180802b.html“Development of Doctrine” is a term coined to describe how a teaching becomes more clear and defined over time. Not how something that was moral yesterday is no longer moral today. The Truth cannot change. People are free to reject this prudential judgement of the Holy Father.
He’s not judging his soul, but his actions.didn’t think anyone was qualified to judge the state of another’s soul - let alone the Pope’s.
Not if it contradicts teaching about not facilitating or lending legitimacy to a sin.It is a perfectly reasonable position for him to take.
No, far better to educate all Catholics on what constitutes Church teaching that must be adhered to and accepted by all faithful Catholic, and what doesn’t. Truth and clarity are what are needed here, not blind adherence to every utterance of the Holy Father - no young Catholic or convert wants that.. To say to ordinary Catholics that they are free to reject that authority and wisdom if you don’t like it is a dreadful thing to do to their souls.
Ok, so you want the Church to authorize all unions? So everyone would have to be a practicing Catholic for that to happen.Isn’t the sex act even between heterosexuals in civil unions still a sin? That is the issue
Civil unions foster sin
We aren’t talking about ‘blind utterances’. We are talking about actual teaching like the death penalty, the morality of environment issues etc. If ordinary Catholics are told you can pick and choose, why not with contraception and abortion?Motherwit:
No, far better to educate all Catholics on what constitutes Church teaching that must be adhered to and accepted by all faithful Catholic, and what doesn’t. Truth and clarity are what are needed here, not blind adherence to every utterance of the Holy Father - no young Catholic or convert wants that.. To say to ordinary Catholics that they are free to reject that authority and wisdom if you don’t like it is a dreadful thing to do to their souls.
What’s the point of that? How can they distinguish. For example some people say an encyclical like Humanae Vitae must be blindly adhered to but an encyclical like Laudato si can be ignored or minimized in force. So how is a grading level of force determined other than ones personal opinion?“Actual teaching” is not a technical term - the Church teaches by degrees and some things are doctrine and some things are not, some things are the Pope’s opinions and some things are not. I’m not suggesting Catholics pick and choose. I’m suggesting that it would be great is Catholics were taught what is and what isn’t doctrine, and what must be adhered to and what can be disagreed with in good conscience - i.e., prudential judgements and opinions.
The last line sums up what the default should be.It is distinguishable, thankfully. As Catholics we do no believe that every word the Pope says in infallible. When it comes to encyclicals we can’t say an encyclical in it’s entirety must be accepted as magisterial by all Catholics, because an encyclical contains reaffirmations of doctrine, personal opinion, prudential judgements, spiritual matters, economic and social matters, and so on and so forth. If the Pope makes a statement, for example, about climate change, we have no obligation to accept that, as it is outside the realm of the Pope’s authority and expertise.
A pretty good article by Jimmy Akin on these questions: How to Weigh Church Teachings | Catholic Answers