I respectfully - but quite strongly - disagree.
–If you want context, look at it in full context: BLM, as an organization, is committed to essentially every far-left cause imaginable: “Queer rights,” abortion rights; acting like illegal immigrants should be empowered; tearing down institutions, etc. Those “values” are 100% contrary to the traditional concept of a 1-mom, 1-dad family. There’s your context.
–These values have been vetted by lawyers; written and re-written; debated et al, yet the words chosen were what they were: BLM could have said “we want to extend child-rearing to extended family,” etc. Nope - they said they want to “disrupt” the nuclear family structure.
–For that matter, what single event has absolutely crushed black culture & achievement in the USA over the last 50 years? The death of the traditional black family. All BLM is doing is trying to smudge the fact that the death of the traditional (nuclear!?) black family has been a disaster in the US, without saying so and while casting the blame elsewhere.
–If you want context, look at it in full context: BLM, as an organization, is committed to essentially every far-left cause imaginable: “Queer rights,” abortion rights; acting like illegal immigrants should be empowered; tearing down institutions, etc. Those “values” are 100% contrary to the traditional concept of a 1-mom, 1-dad family. There’s your context.
–These values have been vetted by lawyers; written and re-written; debated et al, yet the words chosen were what they were: BLM could have said “we want to extend child-rearing to extended family,” etc. Nope - they said they want to “disrupt” the nuclear family structure.
–For that matter, what single event has absolutely crushed black culture & achievement in the USA over the last 50 years? The death of the traditional black family. All BLM is doing is trying to smudge the fact that the death of the traditional (nuclear!?) black family has been a disaster in the US, without saying so and while casting the blame elsewhere.
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