Black Lives Matters vs All Lives Matters

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I don’t get “fed” my opinions with a spoon and Gerber jar, thank you. I form them on my own. 🙂

Your argument echoes the American Medical Association lobbying for tort limits. Liability brings accountability.
Most people don’t even know what qualified immunity even is. Basically, it’s a doctrine immunizing government officials from lawsuits unless an official violates clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known. It protects officials who make reasonable but mistaken judgements. It applies to all but the plainly incompetent or those who knowingly violate the law.

It is IMHO a desperately needed doctrine which prohibits everyone who the police arrest or even interact with from screaming “you’re violating my civil rights!” and filing burdensome lawsuits.
According to several polls, much of white America now supports Black Lives Matter. Pew Research Poll has 60% of white Americans support BLM. The tide is turning in America and most Americans are welcoming and embracing a more diverse America. Americans realize that it is necessary and moral thing to do to be on the right side of history. Just like in WWII. If BLM were a racist organization then whites would support them or their cause. Black Lives Matter doesn’t mean that all other lives don’t matter, and this subject has been discussed extensively in every forum or media possible. That’s why many whites support BLM. They understand what it means, and not what right-wing propaganda tried to portray the opposite, a lie.
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Studies have been cited which indicate that deadly force is less likely to be used against blacks than whites when in contact with police. So if we base it on that the protests start with a false premise.
I’m not so sure of that. I thought the studies showed that minorities are much more likely to be stopped by the police. If they are less likely to experience deadly force I don’t know how the two can be correlated.
All lives matter
By separating the races-futher causes separation.

Is it fair now due to affirmative action that a white individual with excellent qualifications goes for a job and a person of color goes for the same job with slightly less qualifications gets the job to fill a quota?

Skin is an organ like a liver etc…color should not play a part.
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Perfect analogy and perfect scripture reference. People mistakenly believe that those who support Black Lives Matter and who believe that black lives matter think that BLM exclude all lives matter. They are NOT mutually exclusive.
If it’s racist, then why do white people march and protest with them and carry BLM signs? If BLM was racist, then BLM would prohibit whites from marching and protesting with them In fact, whites belong to BLM and most of the country supports BLM. Furthermore, BLM has become a worldwide movement and blacks and whites all over the world support BLM.
But how are those murders treated?

It’s exactly the same reason we Catholics protest abortion (to the point that some would consider us overly obsessed with it) but don’t usually feel the need for organized protests about murder in general.

The murders that the wider society seems not to care about or even to praise (abortion in our case, police murder of unarmed black people in BLM’s) are the ones that need special attention called to them. The murders that are appropriately punished are of lesser priority, even if more numerous. Yes, it would be good to reduce those numbers in general, but they do not pose the same issue as the murders many people don’t even count as murders.

There are, I’m quite certain, people working within black communities to reduce “black on black” crime. But they don’t need to draw everyone else’s attention to that in the same way that they do murder under the color of law.

In the same way, I’m sure there are Catholic organizations that work to reduce violence and poverty and other sources of unjust and unnecessary death. But we have organizations and marches dedicated to one particular cause of death (abortion) and the unusual group it targets because it needs special attention in the present world. Same with BLM.
Precisely. “Black Lives Matter” means exactly that. Not “Most” or “Only,” but just that they matter, or ought to. As in, “You know, looking around, there are some prominent cases (and many more unpublicized ones) where it certainly seems that black people’s lives aren’t valued as much by the state or the general population as other people’s would be. That ought to change, don’t you think?”
I see and hear it everywhere, covertly and overtly, that much of the population doesn’t place the value of those of people of color on the same level as the white population. I’m absolutely disgusted with it as a white person. And the same ones who are in denial of this are the same ones perputating it. And you’ll see them soon enough ranting and raving bv against me here. Indeed, not only it ought to change, it needs to change, it has to change, and it must change, and change now.
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Not just to determine if they have any prejudice in them, but to see if they have psychological issues. Not like the police wou and admire recruits with psychological or racial prejudices anyway…
Indeed, white lives have always been put at a premium over lives of persons of color, starting from when Columbus first set foot in the Americas in 1492 right until today, June 6, 2020. And I don’t see any end to it.
“No end” to the “premium” placed on white lives? Above and beyond the fact that your statement is false, it also wrongly creates a “victim culture” where minorities falsely believe that their lives are always worth less than others, and they can thus never be equal without things like affirmative action; reparations; set-asides, etc.

The fact is that minorities have greater rights than at any time in American history, and are sometimes treated superior to whites: Minorities get all sorts of scholarships;affirmative action benefits, etc., which cannot flow to whites. It’s those things I see “no end” to, and the victim-culture is thus perpetuated.
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If it’s racist, then why do white people march and protest with them and carry BLM signs
–Because some whites are misinformed about BLM’s goals; and
–Because some whites have been indoctrinated to have (nonsensical and factually-unsupported) ‘white guilt;’ and
–Because some whites have the misplaced sense that by bending their knees to violent mobs, the mobs may eat them last (or perhaps never eat them at all); and
–Because some whites are fearful of the mobs and are participating out of a sense of appeasement (which never works), etc.

(EDITING TO ADD: What about if I’m white but "identify" as black, i.e., Rachel Dolezal? A supporter of BLM must at least consider that some white people at a BLM rally may identify as black! Now, let’s go a step further. If I identify as black…who are you to say I’m not? These are the sorts of (totally ridiculous) views some folks hold - I mean, look at Rachel Dolezal herself!)
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