Black Lives Matters vs All Lives Matters

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–Because some whites are misinformed about BLM’s goals;
That assumes the goals of the movement are the same as the goals posted on the BLM website. In fact the BLM movement predates the BLM website and organization by several years, and that organization does not represent the movement as a whole, even though they would like to think they do. The people of different races are marching with Black Lives Matter signs because they believe in that core principle, and couldn’t care less what some website says or what some organization claims as its goals. There is no reason why all those people should abandon the very good and noble goals they are marching for just because some website says some outlandish things.
The fact is that minorities have greater rights than at any time in American history, and are sometimes treated superior to whites: Minorities get all sorts of scholarships; affirmative action benefits, etc., which cannot flow to whites.
The magnitude of those advantages is grossly overstated and does not seem to come anywhere near the magnitude of the corresponding disadvantages, as evidenced by the fact that blacks and hispanics still live in poorer neighborhoods, have poorer schools, have poorer access to healthy food, have lower paying jobs, have poorer health, have more exposure to pollution, have less representation in positions of power, etc.
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Are you frightened? What are you frightened of? Why do you think BLM is a domestic terrorist organization? Because Trump dictated it? The KKK, neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and various and sundry white supremacist organizations that have fostered hate and violence haven’t been declared domestic terrorist organizations, and their numbers are legion and membership in the millions. Those are the ones whom I fear. Even as a white person, these white supremacists organizations disturbs me. Don’t you fear them? Don’t they disturb you? What’s more disturbing, BLM, or the statistical fact that whites will be a minority in America by 2030-2040? Much of white America evidently fears that whites will be a minority in America, to the tune of at least 62,000,000 million plus who voted for Trump in 2016. Not all, but probably most did.
Time will not permit a longer reply. I will reply more later

When you say “the goals of the movement aren’t those on the website,” you basically admit I’m correct when I say some whites are misinformed about BLM’s goals: heck, you’re admitting that the marchers themselves don’t even know what BLM’s purposes/goals even are because BLM itself doesn’t know. And thus I’m correct that many supporters are misinformed - a position you’ve basically admitted.
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Time will not permit a longer reply. I will reply more later

When you say “the goals of the movement aren’t those on the website,” you basically admit I’m correct when I say some whites are misinformed about BLM’s goals: heck, you’re admitting that the marchers themselves don’t even know what BLM’s purposes/goals even are.
That’s true. I do admit it, with the understanding that BLM as used above means and its associated organization, and not the movement, which is separate thing and has a life of its own. I see no problem that marchers in the movement do not know every detail about the organization with the same name, especially since most of the goals of even the organization are good goals.
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I’m white and none of your four points apply to me and nor to most whites who support Black Lives Matter and whom support the cause of persons of color in general. Frankly, the four points that you made up are insulting and disingenuous to whites and to persons of color. To equate only persons of color with “mobs” and “violent mobs” and even equating or suggesting, even metaphorically, these “mobs” engage in cannibalism ( the ‘mobs’ may ‘eat them’) is just wrong…so wrong on so many levels. And to reinterrate, even as a metaphor, suggesting cannibalism with ‘mobs’ of black people (Black Lives Matter ‘mobs’ ?) (whites fearful of the “mobs” Do you mean black or white mobs? I may be wrong, and forgive me if I am, but you’ve seem to associate BLM with “violent mobs” and no mention of mixed mobs or white mobs. All mobs matter? I’m sure by black and brown brothers and sisters can see right through this too. Disturbing.
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It is all predicated on a lie. There is no “systemic racism” in America. BLM now or BLM first protester on ground when it first came about was always about marxism and disrupting western societal norms. If it was a genuine movement then it would have stuck to the message. However, that is not the case. The message became all sorts of things, e.g. homosexuality equality, trans, feminism, abortion, etc. Things that have nothing to do with blacks. You don’t see pro-life marches adding gun rights, low taxes, etc. because it is a genuine march that the people know and believe in the cause they are protesting. These folks are marching for marxism and destruction of our societal norms under the disguise of civil rights.
All lives matter and I have had the unfortunate circumstance of being a target of reverse discrimination many times being a white blonde
BLM = terrorist organization.

So say many diverse folks:

–David Clarke, Milwaukee County Sheriff;
–Cheryl Shelby (democrat) mayor of Olympia, Washington;
–Bob Kroll, president of the Minneapolis Police Union;
–Walter Blackman, AZ legislator.

Mr. Blackman & Sheriff Clarke are African American, BTW.

BLM = terrorists.
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Ironic you complain about the mobs “eating” people - 2 nites ago a black mob invaded Beverly Hills and screamed “eat the rich” over and over.

I’m unconcerned if you’re offended. The truth often offends people. It remains the truth.
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The KKK has “millions” of members? Active ones, right now? Not ones who died in the 1950s?

Bunk. Prove it. You can’t.

Closer to the here and now, largely black mobs rioted; committed arson; and looted in 25 major (democrat controlled) cities in the US within the last 2-3 weeks.

That’s horrible enough. Now, about “eating people,” these mobs largely “ate” their own neighborhoods: these people largely burned down their own neighborhoods. Portions of places like Chicago and Minneapolis literally have no place to shop for food or fill prescriptions. The Mayor of Chicago was caught on a hot mic, literally pleading with Walgreens and Walmart to return to the burned out areas. Who could blame them if they declined?

What was truly pitiful was hearing white residents shriek “we’re on your side!” as a mob threw bricks through their residence - as if that would protect them (it didn’t).
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I feel your pain. Keep a stiff upper lip. I am white, dark blonde hair and blue eyes. One day we shall be treated as equals in this unjust society. We Shall Overcome. We Shall Overcome Someday.
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Shame on all of them for being so prejudicial when you apply for jobs. You should always be be judged by the content of your character, not the color of your skin or hair…
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Don’t try to make me look like something Im not. If I’m wrong about this I’m sorry but I feel sarcasm .
You keep saying “Them”.
as evidenced by the fact that blacks and hispanics still live in poorer neighborhoods, have poorer schools, have poorer access to healthy food, have lower paying jobs, have poorer health, have more exposure to pollution, have less representation in positions of power, etc.
–Actually, Leaf, some of these are worth talking about.

If true, these things have many causes and they are complex, i.e., we can’t just say “it’s all racism!”, because it clearly isn’t (in fact I don’t think racism causes any of these). I can and do make a serious argument that the single worst event to happen to blacks in the last 100+ years was LBJ’s “great society” social engineering, and all its works - most notably, the destruction of the black family and the creation of a permanent welfare class. Things like housing projects were a mere ancillary event. Racism did not cause any of that; an inordinate desire to help blacks did.

For that matter, that’s one reason affirmative action ultimately does more harm than good: It perpetuates the victim culture, and negative stereotypes, that blacks “need special benefits to get ahead.” Want proof? Every example you gave was equally true in the 1840s-1930s for Irish Americans, and no one is screaming for reparations for them. For that matter, lots of immigrants have faced horrific racism (Chinese-Americans leap to mind) and that hasn’t held them back a whit - heck, they generally outperform whites in many metrics (again, perhaps because of the strength of their family structure?).

Editing a bit to add: Hispanic culture is a totally different issue, and that’s worth talking about too. Mauro Mujica, a Latin-American immigrant who founded US English (which has the goal of making English the official language of the US) argues that the biggest factor working to harm Hispanics in the US isn’t racism (which is a total dodge), but their failure to learn English. IMHO that makes a great deal of sense: An inability to speak English will doom virtually every Spanish speaker in the US to a life of poverty.

(so despite our apparent disagreement, your post raises some things worth talking about).
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Not exactly racist but certainly misinformed. Did you think that ‘black is beautiful’ meant white is ugly?

As has been stated, pushing ‘all lives matter’ is like telling the American Cancer Society that all diseases matter. It is off the point and somewhat pejorative.
Actually that analogy is not exactly correct … If the American Cancer Society was only focused on a skin cancer that impacted solely the people living in Alaska which accounts for a minimum number of skin cancer patients and did not consider the skin cancer patients in the other 49 states. Its all skin cancer - they would just be artificially focused on a limited number of skin cancers while ignoring the locations where greater numbers are impacted [California, Florida, Hawaii] where skin cancer is far more prevalent.

That would equate to the Black Lives Matter movement that is solely focused on the Black lives lost to conflicts with ‘white’ police while ignoring the far greater [by degrees of thousands] Black lives lost in Black on Black crime, the Black lives lost to drive by and gang related shootings, the Black lives lost to drugs and the even greater Black lives lost to abortion[ by degrees of tens of thousands].

A more apt name would be “Black lives only matter when killed by white cops” … and we know this because David Dorn’s life did not matter and neither did the Chicago 3 year old’s, the 14 year old’s, the 20 month old’s nor the 10 year old’s from the last week or so. Nor the young man who died this morning in CHAZ/CHOP.
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