Seriously you are not reading what I am saying carefully enough. Its not about being comfortable with something.
Because the Magesterium is sexually permissive and allows the indecent body parts to be on display.I probably would if ever I got there,I would look at the general form and face but avert eyes from parts we normally cover out of respect and decency .
That’s curious,because I didn’t read it as that way At All.I think it was something I would talk about with my practicing siblings in a normal conversation,no aggression and pickiness ,no snarky comments or belittling.You started a thread with a stilted question that you wanted to use to rally people to hate on games, and claimed that games you’re not comfortable with are occult. Fake news!
Seriously, my chuckles are never ending right now. Are we being punked?Who goes to the Sistine Chapel and averts his eyes? People actually do this? They avert their eyes in one of the most sacred places in Catholicism?
I roll for disbelief.
Etiquette might also be a factor.For myself (and the large family I come from) looking at nude images just isn’t part of who we areI’ve read enough to know that you’re trying to make the case that occultism exists where it doesn’t exist.
Here’s the gist of it. I’m inferring that you’re assuming that these board games have demonic themes that are spiritually dangerous.by avoiding nude images, board games with demonic themes, or obscene music/movies by reframing the debate to focus on nude art. .
I don’t think that is possible. The vaste majority of the figures are nude at least in part. It’s almost visual overload. There is hardly anywhere for the eye to rest.I probably would if ever I got there,I would look at the general form and face but avert eyes from parts we normally cover out of respect and decency .
GOT is pornGame of Thrones, which has extensive nudity and fantasy themes
Unless you’re some big VIP, you don’t get to spend all that long in the room looking anyway, and you’re quite a distance from the ceiling, so it’s not like you can really take in everyone’s “naughty bits”. It’s mostly impressive because you are under the whole of an incredibly detailed ceiling that is very large and just covered in lavish detail. If you want to actually dwell on aspects of the painting such as the nudes, you’d likely have to find some pictures in a book or online and look at them afterwards to see up close.I don’t think that is possible. The vaste majority of the figures are nude at least in part. It’s almost visual overload. There is hardly anywhere for the eye to rest.
No great loss to me to never see it thenGreenfields:![]()
I don’t think that is possible. The vaste majority of the figures are nude at least in part. It’s almost visual overload. There is hardly anywhere for the eye to rest.I probably would if ever I got there,I would look at the general form and face but avert eyes from parts we normally cover out of respect and decency .