Trying to erase the double posting but they won’t go away. Sorry.
Could you please list all of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
Also, is this a Catholic teaching or do other protestant churches teach
about the works or mercy?
Code:Answer by Fr.Stephen F. Torraco on 9/17/2001: The corporal works of mercy, based on Matthew 25:31-36, are:
- feed the hungry
- give drink to the thirsty
- clothe the naked
- shelter the homeless
- visit the imprisoned
- care for the sick
- bury the dead.
The spiritual works of mercy, commanded or encouraged in many places Scripture, are:
- admonish the sinner
- instruct the ignorant
- advise the perplexed
- comfort the unhappy
- bear wrongs patiently
- forgive all injuries
- pray for the living and dead.The spiritual and corporal works of mercy hold a venerable place in Catholic moral tradition.