Cafeteria Catholic?

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They are hedging their bets between God and Baal.
Are you confusing the Catholic church with God? Only God is perfect. I guess if you think the Catholic Church is perfect, then it is your God…?

…Bernie :bowdown:
Veronica Anne:
Well, this is a good suggestion. Though… I think that “cafeteria” Catholics would more accurately choose more than “one of the above” on that menu.
Can anyone really believe that if you skip Mass to attend church with a Protestant friend-- that it is a grave & mortal sin, enough to lose your slavation over (unless you repent?)?

…Bernie :bigyikes:
Actually Raphela, it makes no sense at all to me to belong to a church that you disagree with. There are plenty of other places folks can go that will satisfy their needs, but the Church is deserving of obedience. I would much prefer that those so-called Catholics who do not agree with the Church should find more suitable settings for their type of worship until they are ready to be honest with God, themselves and those around them for whom they are a bad example and have disdain. Perhaps in time I will feel more charitable towards them, but at this point I’m a little sick and tired of them. Pray for me. 😦

Peace and all good,

I think wishy-washy Catholics are a product of the system. It’s wrong for a Priest to give communion to someone who missed mass and is out of step-- but do they still do it? You know they do. Why are you upset, but not the Priests? The answer should be revealing about the nature of the Catholic Church. From my parents church, anyway, the Priest seems he couldn’t care less about “qualified” partakers-- he said it’s better to error on the side of permissiveness and inclusion… I think it shows a lack of conviction…

…Bernie (Christian, former Catholic) :hmmm:
Can anyone really believe that if you skip Mass to attend church with a Protestant friend-- that it is a grave & mortal sin, enough to lose your slavation over (unless you repent?)?
I think wishy-washy Catholics are a product of the system. It’s wrong for a Priest to give communion to someone who missed mass and is out of step-- but do they still do it? You know they do. Why are you upset, but not the Priests? The answer should be revealing about the nature of the Catholic Church. From my parents church, anyway, the Priest seems he couldn’t care less about “qualified” partakers-- he said it’s better to error on the side of permissiveness and inclusion… I think it shows a lack of conviction…

…Bernie (Christian, former Catholic) :hmmm:
You’re confusing the Catholic Faith with the people of the faith.
It really comes down to : Are you Catholic or are you not? To disobey the teachings of the magisterium (birth control, homosexual activities, proponent of the death penalty, etc.) is not in line with Rome, and therefore you are not acting as a Catholic. There are no fuzzy lines here. It took a lot of spiritual direction for me to understand it, but it really is that simple.
I would much prefer that those so-called Catholics who do not agree with the Church should find more suitable settings for their type of worship . . . .
I don’t think you would have too many Americans left in your church then. BTW, I love the name Thomas.

**As to the OP, I consider myself a *Christian seeker; ***prayers are appreciated.

Detroit Sue:
It really comes down to : Are you Catholic or are you not? To disobey the teachings of the magisterium (birth control, homosexual activities, proponent of the death penalty, etc.) is not in line with Rome, and therefore you are not acting as a Catholic. There are no fuzzy lines here. It took a lot of spiritual direction for me to understand it, but it really is that simple.
Why do Priests knowingly give communion to people they know they shouldn’t, according to the faith? Why aren’t these Priests booted out… because there’s too many of them???

…Bernie :confused:
Cafeteria Catholics exist because they are not fully Catechized. There is very little adult formation. Eventually they are secularized and the beliefs held as children fade away.

If each parish would utilize apologetics in homilies and in small groups then adults would have the strength to fight the secularization.
Hello Bernie,

First off, yes if a person shuns his or her duty to attend Mass on a Sunday in favor of going to another place for worship, then this person is committing a grave sin. He or she must make a good Confession before they can be admitted back into Communion. I think a person who wanders in his or her faith in this way, trying to live a “Christian” life on one’s own ignoring the Apostolic authority that God Himself placed in His Church, is caught between Scylla and Charybdis and is a victim of his or her own thinking.

You’ve left Catholicism and are claiming a superior “Christianity” for yourself, yet you ignore the fact that Jesus was obediant even unto death. Following Jesus requires that this virtue, to obey, be lived no matter what one’s personal thoughts or inclinations might be, even unto death if that is the call one receives. For most, death won’t be the degree of our “proofs” of obedience, but the more ordinary type of “proofs”, i.e. being late for the tee-off and the ribbing of friends when we show up on the green later than the rest because we went to Mass or the snipping at the sewing circle luncheon because we actually say our grace before chowing down on the Wellington and watercress or the more serious situation of being pregnant and finding out that our OB/GYN isn’t exactly pro-life and having to find a new doctor in the middle of your term! All of these situations require obedience and result in integrity of mind and heart for the barer of such things. I guess this thought doesn’t appeal to many so they compromise their faith and thereby cease to grow in certain virtues and their effects. I guess that is the fate of those who wander from place to place seeking the One Who they left behind! But I’m also here to say that it doesn’t have to be that way. When you’re ready to come home Bernie, we will be waiting and jubilant when you can make the assent of the will that only you can make for yourself. Until then my heart goes out to you.

Peace and all good,

Mea culpa! :o I once was a cafeteria Catholic, but praise be to God, I have found the fullness and splendor of our faith. Actually, The fullness and splendor sought me out and I will forever sing his praise ( I pray:gopray: )

Pax et bonum,
The overwhelming percetage of #1’s surprises me, since I recently heard on Relevant Radio that only 30% of “Catholics” believe in the Real Presence!
My wife, who is a convert, went through the RCIA program and decided that the rules and laws of being a catholic made sense ot her. If some people can’t abide by the laws of the church, then they better find some other church. They can’t pick and choose what suits them,and still be catholic.
The overwhelming percetage of #1’s surprises me, since I recently heard on Relevant Radio that only 30% of “Catholics” believe in the Real Presence!
This is not a scientific poll. The ratio of “true” Catholics in this forum is not a representation of the worlds Catholics. I wish it were though…
I think labeling someone as a “Cafeteria Catholic” is a form of self pride. It’s as if you are looking down on someone. 😦
I suppose that I was beginning to turn “cafeteria catholic” after hearing my mom (who’s catholic, by the way) talk about some of the less appealing parts of Catholicism…and not exactly understanding what the Catechism is all about, and asking why priests shouldn’t marry…although, I must admit, the idea to allow priests to marry would seem like it would solve some problems, I understand why they can’t for a number of reasons. But, yeah, I admit I can be pretty impressionable, so I would probably be better off not listening to what she feels about it eh?
I guess I would think more of people that disagree with church law if they wouldn’t flaunt it in public and the media, such as the catholics for free choice, traditionalist catholics, etc. I know we are not perfect, but we can TRY to follow church law. If we totally disagree with the church on things such as abortion, women priests, etc. it may be time to quit calling yourself a catholic, and find a church that you agree with. Peace be with all of you.
I selected the second choice, but many of my departures from the faith happened in my younger days (before I had matured enough to know better, or perhaps to admit to myself that I know better). Now its too late to do anything about it (except to seek absolution of course).

I know its sounds trite, but I really wish I had my act together as a young man (believe me I did not). To all the young people out there, follow the teachings of the church throughout your lives and without exception. I know I am forgiven for the sins of my youth, but oh to go back and not to have to have sought that forgiveness in the first place…by following without exception the teachings of God’s church you will reap immense joy in your lifetime.

God Bless the Catholic Church and all her Teachings!
A recent article came out that some 80% or so believe in hell, but they also beleive no one goes there. We are all saved, because our God is a loving God.

Our God is also perfect and will be perfectly just when we are judged.
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