What is an apostate Catholic?There are saintly Catholics, sinful Catholics, heretical Catholics, apostate Catholics, and some others. “Cafeteria Catholics” is a politically correct word for heretical Catholics.
I disagree with the Magesterium of the Catholic Church on …
I do think this would be an interesting poll and I wish someone had gone ahead and posted it because I’m really curious as to where the other so-called “cafeteria” Catholics stand on some of these things. I would like to see what kinds of dissent are most common because I’m wondering if most people are like me in dissenting only on #3. I believe in celibate priests and apostolic succession and the Communion of Saints and Marian dogma, but most especially I believe in the REAL PRESENCE of Christ in the Eucharist.
- Nothing
- Matters of practice (married priests)
- Matters of authoritative teaching (birth control)
- Matters of dogma (Church isn’t visible, communion of saints, Marian dogmas, in a nutshell … Protestantism)
- Everything pertaining to faith (not Christian)
But because I question some matters of authoritative teaching (none of which I’m currently breaking, in case you are wondering. I simply question them & refuse to condemn other people for questioning them or ignoring them) I apparently should pack my bags and go elsewhere. Well, I’ve been elsewhere for the past 22 years and I’d like to know just where you would send us because there is no place else out there that has what the Catholic Church has – the REAL PRESENCE and 2000 years of continuity and many other things that I have perfect faith in. As a result of that faith, I’ll withstand whatever disparaging remarks more perfect Catholics want to charge me with and face the consequences on Judgement Day. You won’t drive me away from even the mere glimpse of the face of God that my imperfect faith gives me. If you want to work yourself into a embolism over it, be my guest.