Sure, liberalism the invention of the devil. Freedom of the Press, separation of church and state, individual human rights, and the principles on which America was founded, all liberal democratic ideas have the stench of Hell upon them.
I’m glad I’m an orthodox Catholic religiously, and a liberal politically and not part of the whited sepulchers of conservatism.
You are speaking of LIBERTY. Liberty is waaaaaaaaaaay different from
liberalism, as defined by the modern age. Quite frankly, liberalism is in many ways
opposed to liberty, opposed to the freedoms you just listed!! Speech codes at universities?? Against kids praying over their pb&j at he school cafeteria?? Is is the press really “free”???
Luther, in his own way, was the first liberal, in the sense that he snubbed his nose at Church AUTHORITY (though he was right to condemn abuses by the clergy). Look what he ushered in!!! Over 20,000 different protestant chruches, each claiming their interpretation of the bible is correct. RELATIVIST theologies.
The democrats are defined by liberalism. One could argue that he Culture of Death has been supported by republicans too (to be sure!) but it has CERTAINLY been the KEY cog in the wheel of the democratic party platform for nearly 35 years.
THIS IS THE TRUTH: The progressive social agenda re healthcare, taxes, wages, etc will not, repeat
…*until *the THEOLOGY OF THE BODY is accepted and the culture is transformed into a culture that respects LIFE from beginning to end, where marriage and motherhood are CELEBRATED, and the traditional family once again becomes stable.
That is the key that JPII understood and implored us to grasp.
Liberals who come to realize as YOU DO, that the Right to Life
really, actually exists will see their agendas of “healthcare for all” and “just wages” come much much sooner than it’s current pace.