Can America Save Herself from Catholics?

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Nor have we heard if they are *anti-*euthanasia either…

But no matter…the SAME reasoning that drives one to think abortion is acceptable is the same that promotes euthanasia.
If that were true, then why are there pro-choice politicians who are opposed to euthanasia?
If that were true, then why are there pro-choice politicians who are opposed to euthanasia?
Name names, my friend. Then let us deconstruct their ACTUAL position on each matter.
Name names, my friend. Then let us deconstruct their ACTUAL position on each matter.
Try Vic Snyder, U.S. Representative from the 2nd District of Arkansas, a physician, an ex-Marine, a pro-choice liberal, and one of the Democrats who voted in favor of the law to save Mrs. Schiavo.
Try Vic Snyder, U.S. Representative from the 2nd District of Arkansas, a physician, an ex-Marine, a pro-choice liberal, and one of the Democrats who voted in favor of the law to save Mrs. Schiavo.
GREAT!! One down, about 200 or so to go. 🙂
I miss katherine2
I do, too. She was suspended, but last I checked her suspension was up. She’s a local democratic party boss–it was fun seeing her perspectives. I hope she’s doing OK.
For those** Catholics** posting, or just reading along, who are Democrats, where does your own personal Profession of Faith that you say after the Gospel and Homily, and the Lord’s Prayer that you pray, standing before Jesus in the Eucharist on Sundays in Mass, fit into your **own **personal decision to give your name identification and support to a worldly political party that is diabolically **opposed **to what you profess to believe and pray for?

Specifically, “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life…”, and “…Thy will be done on earth…” Is it God’s will to give life so that it can be aborted? Is He in contradiction with himself? Or are some Catholics in spiritual contradiction with what they profess to believe and pray for?
Dj Roy Albert:
I see the “American catholic church” breaking away from Rome with in the next decade.

I thought it would have happened by now & it has somewhat, but not as openly as some people want. The election of the our next orthodox Pope will give rise to this seperation.

We need heretics to literally get the hell out of our Church.
When people break away, then they are Protestants. They are no longer Catholic.
The charity level on this thread has reached a point where I believe we are all best served by closing it.

So I shall.

Paul Stephens
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