Can our democracy survive if most Republicans think the government is illegitimate?

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I had considered a yippie ki yay meme on 12/31. But itā€™ll work now prior to Christmas.
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Would you willingly have a bunch of people in your employ who were actively working to subvert you?
Straw man. You know perfectly well no one has suggested that.
Itā€™s not a strawman, itā€™s a fact. He has had plenty - pretty much anyone in the DOJ for example - of folks who were out to thwart him. Anonymous ā€œResistā€ -ers in his office. A person couldnā€™t run a boy scout troop with that kind of environment, let alone a nation.
No reasonable person can truly believe that there was not one single qualified person who could have been brought in, instead of unqualified relatives.
Four years has demonstrated otherwise. Even his AG, who everyone has claimed is his henchman, pretty much abandoned him (and our nation) with the election shenanigans. Iā€™m not a lawyer, but I would think that reports of possible election fraud in a federal election would be in his purview, and warrant a full investigation. His lack of interest in something so potentially treasonous indicates that no, Trump has not been able to free himself from swamp creatures.
Itā€™s not a strawman, itā€™s a fact. He has had plenty - pretty much anyone in the DOJ for example - of folks who were out to thwart him. Anonymous ā€œResistā€ -ers in his office. A person couldnā€™t run a boy scout troop with that kind of environment, let alone a nation.
Non-responsive. I pointlessly out that no one here said what you claimed, and this ā€œresponseā€ totally ducks that.
Proving that you have no actual answer.
Straw man. You know perfectly well no one has suggested that.
It might not be a straw man if one took a position that the manā€™s paranoia ran so deep only immediate family were to be truste.
Iā€™m not necessarily criticizing anything they did, just making the comparison to the criticism of Trump using family members in a similar way- confidante, etc.
That was 70 years ago. It is unlikely any of the same people in the media would even be alive. My point was such nepotism has pretty much disappeared over time.

It is still the presidentā€™s prerogative though. He won the election, and won those spoils. The one check on him is the next election.
JFK appointed his brother, Robert, AG. Can you imagine that cacophony of protest, the screams of protest, the predictions of utter doom of the republic, the claims of the end of democracy as we know it, if Trump had appointed a member of his family to a cabinet post?
Yes, because Republicans changed the law to make it illegal. RFK was a competent, prepared and decent AG, by the way.
As opposed to Biden!who is more concerned about diversity in his cabinet appointments,then he is actual experience.Symbolism over substance ā€¦
Do you actually believe Ben Carson was qualified or the most appropriate person to lead HUD?
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That was 70 years ago. It is unlikely any of the same people in the media would even be alive. My point was such nepotism has pretty much disappeared over time.
That was a time when journalists were journalists, not shills for one party.
It is still the presidentā€™s prerogative though. He won the election, and won those spoils. The one check on him is the next election.
The Russia hacked the election was a lie. They knew it was all along.
ā€œWe found irrefutable evidence of Russian meddling,ā€ Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., acting chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in a statement, directly refuting President Donald Trumpā€™s repeated assertions that Russian interference was a ā€œhoaxā€ perpetrated by Democrats.ā€œ
Senate Intelligence Committee report, released in August 2020, details Russian interference in the 2016 election, for anyone who continues to use hoax to describe it.
No training or experience in dealing with public housing, for instance.
Why is that a requirement? It seems the Pete Buttigieg is being vetted for transportation secretary. Whatā€™s his qualifications? The roads in South Bend?

It seems to me qualifications for cabinet level positions are not based on experience or direct knowledge. Take a look at the conversation I had with others on this exact point.
The last two Democrat AGā€™s, corrupt as they were, could have learned from him.
Corrupt? They were indicted on what charges? Did they leave office under a cloud?

You post unsupported allegations.
Why is that a requirement? It seems the Pete Buttigieg is being vetted for transportation secretary. Whatā€™s his qualifications? The roads in South Bend?
I think a a city mayor has had more dealings with the reality and issues of transportation than a surgeon who retired under a cloud had with public housing. I do.
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Props to him for keeping out of trouble after that first couple of bumps.
I do give BC credit for that. He stuck his foot in it at the beginning, but then kept a low profile and appears to have followed the rules. As a result, he is one of the few that made it all the way through. A small badge of honor in this administration.
I think a a city mayor has had more dealings with the reality and issues of public housing than a surgeon who retired under a cloud.
What do both have in common? Leadership skills. Grit. Intelligence. I question Mayor Peteā€™s wisdom, but Iā€™m not so sure on that frong.

Actual knowledge is a secondary, minor point. Hardly disqualifying.
ā€œWe found irrefutable evidence of Russian meddling,ā€ Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.,
And Rubio was correct. Note that he did not say there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. He didnā€™t intentionally conflate the two.
Note, also, that it was the Obama administration that failed to stop said meddling, not surprising considering the corruption and incompetent people he had in charge of the intel community: Comey, Brennan and Clapper to name a few.
It seems to me qualifications for cabinet level positions are not based on experience or direct knowledge. Take a look at the conversation I had with others on this exact point.
I think this is fair. Most administrations have a mix of experts with qualifications, and political appointees. When the Secretary is purely political, the idea is to give him or her a competent Deputy and a good chief of staff. I do think that Trump broke that mold with mostly political appointments with few chosen for expertise. Those that were chosen for their expertise (e.g. Mattis, Sessions) did not fare as well as the political picks.
Maybe less MBAā€™s and more history, english, and/or liberal arts degrees.
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