Can our democracy survive if most Republicans think the government is illegitimate?

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It is a shame that the courts have by and large decided to use procedure to not hear cases on voter fraud in this Presidential election. It would have been better in my opinion if the courts had heard the cases and decided upon the merits.

I saw some Supreme court justices from Wisconsin touched on this issue the other day with their dissenting opinions. That can be read here ~

In the Wisconsin ruling, a dissenting judge, Patience Roggensack, blasted the majority for cutting the case short when “a significant portion of the public does not believe” the election was conducted fairly. Roggensack pointed to evidence that a decision by Milwaukee’s canvassing board to fix defective witness addresses on some ballots was based on “erroneous advice” that could lead to similar problems being “repeated again and again.”

“Once again, four justices on this court cannot be bothered with addressing what the statutes require to assure that absentee ballots are lawfully cast,” Roggensack said. “The electorate expects more of us, and we are capable of providing it.”

Justice Annette Ziegler, in a separate dissent, said the majority was playing a game of “gotcha” by claiming Trump and Pence had waited too long.

“The majority seems to create a new bright-line rule that the candidates and voters are without recourse and without any notice should the court decide to later conjure up an artificial deadline concluding that it prefers that something would have been done earlier,” Ziegler wrote. “That has never been the law, and it should not be today.”…validate-votes
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It is a shame that the courts have by and large decided to use procedure to not hear cases on voter fraud in this Presidential election. It would have been better in my opinion if the courts had heard the cases and decided upon the merits.
When decided on the merits Trump lost. Every time.

Republicans/Trump supporters don’t trust the results because Trump told them not to, and has been telling them for months running up to the election. Trump sabotaged the election with wild unsubstantiated claims.

Plus, the remedy isn’t going to be to overturn the results. It’s too late, and the you can’t have a revote. So, I’m not sure of the usefulness of the continuing lawsuits.
Nepotism and graft aren’t new. It didn’t start with Trump, nor do I think it any worse under Trump than any other administration.
Considering how Trump had so little support from his own party, it is no wonder that he turned to his family to find people who wouldn’t be looking to stab him in the back as soon as they could.
Considering how Trump had so little support from his own party, it is no wonder that he turned to his family to find people who wouldn’t be looking to stab him in the back as soon as they could.
He took over the Republican Party. I’m not sure what you mean by that.

Now, I do admit that he views loyalty over everything, which is why he brought his unqualified daughter and son in law into the west wing.
Now, I do admit that he views loyalty over everything,
Would you willingly have a bunch of people in your employ who were actively working to subvert you? I wouldn’t.

Why is loyalty a bad thing? I kind of thought that it was something to be desired?
which is why he brought his unqualified daughter and son in law into the west wing.
Who seem to be doing a great job. How many middle eastern countries have recognized Israel during his administration? How many had in all of the years of Israel’s nationhood until then?
As opposed to Biden!who is more concerned about diversity in his cabinet appointments,then he is actual experience.Symbolism over substance …
As opposed to Biden!who is more concerned about diversity in his cabinet appointments
This is a good point. Biden’s cabinet picks are focused on the color of the skin rather than the content of their character. Amazing that the party of equal rights has so subverted the message of the civil rights movement.
We are living in bizzarro world anymore.Nothing makes sense. Hang on it’s going to be a bumpy ride moving forward…
Why is loyalty a bad thing? I kind of thought that it was something to be desired?
He took loyalty to a whole new level. Loyalty to him. Not loyalty to the US or the Constitution.
Who seem to be doing a great job. How many middle eastern countries have recognized Israel during his administration?
One thing, and not really sure what it means. However they were both roundly made fun of both domestically and internationally.
As opposed to Biden!who is more concerned about diversity in his cabinet appointments,then he is actual experience.Symbolism over substance
I thought the right was accusing Biden of just recreating the Obama administration with his picks.
Who ever said Obama was anything more than symbolism over substance.Biden has never been capable of an original thought,so yeah,he is Obama for the most part.
It is a shame that the courts have by and large decided to use procedure to not hear cases on voter fraud in this Presidential election. It would have been better in my opinion if the courts had heard the cases and decided upon the merits.
This is something I hear a lot from certain circles, but its just not true. Yes, the Supreme Court decided the Texas state on standing (correctly, in my view), but most of the cases were actually dismissed on the merits. Either because the facts alleged would not support the claim presented (which is a merits decision), or because when called upon to support the facts alleged there was no support (also a merits decision). That they could not muster factual support when required is not a technicality or procedural issue - its a merits issue.
That they could not muster factual support when required is not a technicality or procedural issue - its a merits issue.
When you allege voter fraud on Fox and OAN but tell a judge in an actual court, “This isn’t a fraud case”…
Why anyone would trust Trump to drain a swamp is beyond me. He is a perfectly amoral person who sees all of his relationships as transactional (witness his scolding of Mitch McConnell the other day for acknowledging Biden won the election).
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Thinking back, wasn’t JFK the last president though to appoint a family member to be on staff at the White House?
JFK appointed his brother, Robert, AG. Can you imagine that cacophony of protest, the screams of protest, the predictions of utter doom of the republic, the claims of the end of democracy as we know it, if Trump had appointed a member of his family to a cabinet post?
Why anyone would trust Trump to drain a swamp is beyond me. He is a perfectly amoral person who sees all of his relationships as transactional (witness his scolding of Mitch McConnell the other day for acknowledging Biden won the election).
I don’t trust anyone to drain the swamp. The only way to do that is to require the general government to exercise only the enumerated power granted to it under article 1, section 8 of the constitution.
The problem is not Trump or Biden, Democrats or Republicans. The problem is power. Too much power. Trump did a lot of good things as president, but he didn’t act aggressively enough to reduce power in Washington, much of it usurped.
Can you imagine that cacophony of protest, the screams of protest, the predictions of utter doom of the republic, the claims of the end of democracy as we know it, if Trump had appointed a member of his family to a cabinet post?
I believe that’s now illegal.
Pretend, for a moment, it was still legal, and imagine.
The media coverage of Trump to that of “Camelot”.
Nah. I’d rather not.

On the macro level, Trump has deserved the coverage he has received. On that I’m sure we disagree.
Nah. I’d rather not.
Sad. You know the dishonest DNC propaganda media would have reacted exactly as I said.
On the macro level, Trump has deserved the coverage he has received. On that I’m sure we disagree.
Trump deserved criticism for some of his disrespectful treats, etc. he didn’t deserve, in any measure, the overt lies about Russia, the despicable and false accusations of racism, and the orchestrated censorship of accurate stories about his opponents, all intended to support Biden.
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Thinking back, wasn’t JFK the last president though to appoint a family member to be on staff at the White House? It is the last one I remember.
I believe that is correct. Other presidents have used family member in various ways. Bush 41 used his sons in various ways, consulted with them, used them as informal emissaries to talk to people for him, and so on. That is not new or even problematic. What has been different with Trump is giving them formal positions, salaries, staffs, security clearances, and so on.
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