Can teenagers go to hell?

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St. Paul also said to “work out your own salvation”, he didn’t say we have to bust our brains working out the salvation of others. The most we can do is be there for people as opposed to make sweeping statements about the condition of the souls, of woefully sinful athiest teenagers. Try the well known Corinthians 13 passage about ‘love’. We can make assessments and try and help but to say we know how much a person is loved, and that goes for ourselves too, is not required of us, believe it or not.
We can also pray for our own salvation and for that of others. The rosary and the divine mercy chaplet are good for starters. Spiritual and corporal works of mercy is what we should focus on.
1037 God predestines no one to go to hell;
IOW, no one has been chosen by God from all eternity to go to hell regardless of what they do
for this, a willful turning away from God (a mortal sin) is necessary, and persistence in it until the end.
And who among us is without sin? Mortal sin is easy to commit. The remedy is sacramental confession. What if a person won’t avail themselves of the remedy Jesus established?
In the Eucharistic liturgy and in the daily prayers of her faithful, the Church implores the mercy of God, who does not want "any to perish, but all to come to repentance"
IOW God has given us the remedy for salvation. He does not hold back on graces given for a person’s conversion. He doesn’t force people to repent, nor to convert. That has to be completely voluntary on a person’s part.
405 Although it is proper to each individual** original sin does not have the character of a personal fault in any of Adam’s descendants**.
**405 **Although it is proper to each individual, original sin does not have the character of a personal fault in any of Adam’s descendants. It is a deprivation of original holiness and justice, but human nature has not been totally corrupted: it is wounded in the natural powers proper to it, subject to ignorance, suffering and the dominion of death, and inclined to sin - an inclination to evil that is called concupiscence". Baptism, by imparting the life of Christ’s grace, erases original sin and turns a man back towards God, but the consequences for nature, weakened and inclined to evil, persist in man and summon him to spiritual battle.

IOW Adam can only pass on to humanity what he became.
He wants us to be positive and live with love and hope not fear. His entire mission was to bring us the Good News not make us obsessed with Hell.
It seems today, people fear neither God nor hell.
So are you claiming that prayer is not action therefore not life-giving?

That notion rules out contemplatives then, if so?!
Well, everyone can pray in Europe without sending any missionaries to say Africa?
St. Paul also said to “work out your own salvation”, he didn’t say we have to bust our brains working out the salvation of others. The most we can do is be there for people as opposed to make sweeping statements about the condition of the souls, of woefully sinful athiest teenagers. Try the well known Corinthians 13 passage about ‘love’. We can make assessments and try and help but to say we know how much a person is loved, and that goes for ourselves too, is not required of us, believe it or not.
Don’t condemn the OP.

You should read my earlier post about asking when you’re doing anything whether that action is a reflection of your love of Jesus.

You are assuming everything is condemnation if it isn’t about all being forgiven like Balthazar and universal salvation.
29 May 2015 Vatican news:

Pope Francis: Evangelize with a language of merciful love

Pope Francis @Pontiflex
  • "Why is it so difficult to tolerate the faults of others? Have we forgotten that Jesus bore our sins? " *
  • "We Christians are called to go out of ourselves to bring mercy and tenderness of God to all ".*
" Let us learn to live with kindness, to love everyone, even when they do not love us."

I was wondering, thinking of the OP, was this a teenager, worried, reaching out…asked a question that required an answer, but …all above apply …

Your speculation gives way to another question. If by Adam’s sin we all sinned than even unborn babies who die before birth go to hell. They have not had the chance to be baptized. If this is the case than the poor aborted babies not only have had murder committed against them, they get to go to hell after that too.
Aquinas says they do not have a share in the beatific vision but experience a natural happiness.
Originally Posted by Sarcelle View Post
Your speculation gives way to another question. If by Adam’s sin we all sinned than even unborn babies who die before birth go to hell. They have not had the chance to be baptized. If this is the case than the poor aborted babies not only have had murder committed against them, they get to go to hell after that too.
No, this is wrong, the rules for the Sacraments of the Church are for those who are members of the Church or have willingly avoided becoming members. The Church always grants Sacraments, for assurances to heaven, not curses (and this is why excommunication has largely been abandon, it means you are not capable of receiving the assurances of the way to heaven via the Sacraments, but too many people started thinking it was a damnation to hell). People become members of the Church at Baptism. The Church has not claimed any authority on the fate of babies before Baptism. It’s left to God, and we trust God, for He is merciful. We trust He provides a merciful and just eternal life to all those who have no opportunity to join the Church they are thus in a sense outside the jurisdiction of the Church.

This is a mistake of taking Church rules made for people and applying them to God. God does grant that the Church make rules for those to whom it reaches out; therefore, “what is to be granted on earth shall also be granted in heaven”, but don’t extend such authority into areas in which the Church doesn’t claim to have authority.

On teens or any person God takes into account their personal situation and the difficulties of if they have even been able to choose for or against a life with Him.
We can also pray for our own salvation and for that of others. The rosary and the divine mercy chaplet are good for starters. Spiritual and corporal works of mercy is what we should focus on.
Nice. 👍


Your speculation gives way to another question. If by Adam’s sin we all sinned than even unborn babies who die before birth go to hell. They have not had the chance to be baptized. If this is the case than the poor aborted babies not only have had murder committed against them, they get to go to hell after that too.
Young children who die do not go to Hell either. Not babies, not children.
Alas, many don’t even believe in God or Hell. :eek:
Our Creator is real. And so is Hell, unfortunately.

Mortal sin:
  1. An act of grave matter.
  2. Committed with full knowledge.
  3. Deliberate consent.
🙂 Moses was often, and could be considered continually, in conversation with his Almighty Friend.
I think my point is that in my experience anecdotally I really don’t see much of anything unless as a Type A tell people what to do.
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