The issue is taking thousands of kids away from their mothers. There is no right way to do that. Besides, it is not Christian just to wish someone to be well and be on their way. “If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?” - James 2:16
Respectfully opinion only and in pondering on this serious issue facing humanity.
Are there those who are for abortion within the>> Me too movement along with others >>who are speaking out about children being taken from their parents >>but fail to greatly speak out or see the common interest, in what takes place within abortion? Children being taken in such inhumane way also?
How many millions of the innocent children are taken away from their own mother, by choice>> in a year and around the world?
Ones main source is <> on this topic which not only involves children being taken from their parents, respectfully maybe Bishop Dolan, fails to address in this interview>> where children are being taken from their family >abortion? by choice? Family? Marriage? Divorce?
Respectfully bringing to attention Pope Francis in a speech to a Family Association Sat June 16 2018 CNA and reported in other news outlets …
" the murder of children to get a peaceful life an innocent (person) is sent away. We do the same as the Nazis to maintain the purity of the race but with white gloves" unquote Pope Francis
“Do we get rid of it? France said, the murder of children to have as easy life they get rid often innocent” unquote
“Last century the whole world was scandalized by what the Nazis did to purify the race. Today we do the same thing, but with white gloves” unquote Pope Francis as reported in news outlets> CNA. June 14 2018
Question how many abortions take place in a year? 50 million? by choice?
“Frances noted that there are peoples who simply don’t want children and pointed to a couple who did not want to have kids, but who instead had 3 dogs and 2 cats” unquote Pope Francis, CNA reporting?
" Children are the greatest gift even when they are sick>>he said, must be received as they come as God sends them" unquote reported in CNA and other News outlets
Topic Cardinal Dolan makes a stance, is speaking out on the family , what about abortion also how it effects the family, they too are children taken from their parents but theses are by choice, is it not?
“On the family he noticed that in modern society one speaks of different types of a family defining the term in different ways. Family of stars, Family of trees, Family of animals, Family in the image of God is only one that of man and woman marriage is a wonderful sacrament” unquote Pope Francis reported in CNA and in other news outlet.
Interesting hearing others speaking out on children being taken from the parents not realizing the same thing is also being done when one chooses a abortion is no different is it?
Atrocity, but we do the same thing he said according to Italian media? unquote
Pondering onl.