Respectfully opinion only no such thing as pro-life> pro -birth is there? Tickles the ears maybe?. The Church is pro-life, not just pro-birth.
The child in the womb is living, breathing and has a heart beat, with 10 toes and 10 fingers, it is alive!! Abortion ends that living life?
Thou shall not>> murder? the word>> abortion>>makes it sound less>> inhumane, does it not?
A child breathes in>> what the mother breathes in, the child is alive, the child is being nourished feed by the mother, >>>but the child is already breathing air while in the womb, the child only>>>> takes its first breathe>> on its own when given birth to, does it not?
But the child in the womb is alive and for one to end that living life, one has to destroy it, how?
If one has to destroy a living breathing being to end it is called what?
Matters not if that living being, is within the womb or outside of the womb, does it? Failing to care for a human life, its daily needs, a child or adult whether alive in the womb or outside the womb, would it be heartless? inhumane to do so? There is no difference is there?
Mothers who choose to end that life, do not witness what takes place to end it right, others are doing it for them right?
Not taking either side politically either!!! Just on the Human side>> that all life is Sacred in the blood, destroy not and children are taken from their parents, children who are in need of want>>in many different inhumane heartless ways, are they not?
Jesus called those who were judging others as being heartless, etc and even judges themselves, yet Jesus rebukes harshly they also, were doing the same thing themselves>>Jesus calling them>> hypocrites x3?
Peace just an opinion and not using or applying balanced scales of justice are we?
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