
Phil,They were all part of the historic Christian Church, but not part of Roman Catholicism, since Roman Catholicism started sometime in the 17th or 18th century, maybe later, but definitely sometime after Luther and Calvin.
You’re more right than you might think about Jason. Using his arguments, the Catholic Church after Vatican I isn’t the same Church as before.
But do you know what that means? That the “Pope” isn’t responsible for all of the Catholic Faith before then, the Church is!
Jason misuses the term RCC. He tries to make it seem as if “Rome” is responsible, in dictatoral fashion, for the Catholic Faith. But by his own argumentation, the papacy didn’t even exist in St. Augustine’s time…or even after. So we cannot blame the papacy for Augustine’s “Catholic” beliefs.
Jason doesn’t see it, but his beef is with the Christian Church, not just the papacy.